booyakajuice 2024-09-03T11:25:31-04:00 booyakajuice 2024-09-03T11:25:31-04:00 2024-09-03T11:25:31-04:00 Clever Keys *PRE-ORDER* Board Games HABA

Vendor: HABA
Type: Board Games
Price: 34.95

Designers Leo Colovini
Teodoro Mitidieri
Publisher HABA
Players 2-5
Playing Time 20-40 mins
Suggested Age 5 and up

There’s treasure in the old castle! Players take turns inserting keys into the game board. If the keys are inserted in the right slot, they unlock the secret chamber and reveal valuable gemstones. Every additional move either lets the player get richer – or lose everything. The player who collects the most gemstones wins.

This push-your-luck memory game uses a unique box and board construction to provide hundreds of combinations for the "locked" areas of the board.

-description from publisher

Age_3+ Availability_Pre-order BGG-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-0-L INV-C NewProduct Players Maximum_5 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-Not-International Year Published_2020s Default Title 34.95 HAB305873 1321 2021-04-12T14:51:20-04:00 2021-04-12T14:51:20-04:00 Die Seher von Santiiba (Import) Board Games Zoch Verlag

Vendor: Zoch Verlag
Type: Board Games
Price: 49.95

Designer Leo Colovini
Teodoro Mitidieri
Publisher Zoch Verlag
Players 2-4
Playtime 30-45 mins
Suggested Age 8 and up

Note: This game is in English, French, German, Italian. For preview, English rules can be found here.

In the far reaches of Santiiba, the Valley of the Hopeful, seers ply their occult trades.

Each turn in Die Seher von Santiiba, one player rolls the five dice, which correspond with five kinds of cards. The dice have 1-3 stars on three of the sides and the numbers 4-6 on the other three sides. Each other player then secretly selects a color, whether the color they think you'll choose or the color they themselves are interested in. You then name one of the colors, and if anyone else has selected that color, they reveal this information. If the matching die shows stars, they move their seer figure on the scoring track this many spaces, and if it shows a number, they take a card of this color. You either take the die (if it shows stars) or the card, placing this object in your "area of uncertainty". You then continue your turn by naming another color or end your turn.

If no one choose your named color, then you pick either the die or card of this color, placing the object in your area of uncertainty. If you took a card when the die showed stars or took a die with a number, then you must continue your turn; otherwise, you can choose to continue or end your turn.

If all other players have revealed their color choices, then you lose everything in your area of uncertainty, receiving only a bowl card as consolation. If you end your turn — whether voluntarily or after successfully choosing four of the five colors — then you move all the cards to your oracle board and advance your seer a number of spaces equal to the sum of all the dice.

Players take turns in this manner until the first player reaches 30 VPs. Only then are the victory points on the cards counted as well — but the player who has collected the fewest cards of any particular sort won't get to count the neighboring kind of cards at all. If you have the fewest herbs, for example, then your amulets are worth nothing. Ties are broken in favor of whoever has the most bowl cards. Once you've determined which cards (if any) you must lose, you sum the value of your remaining cards and advance your seer. All players who reach the Cloud Castle of Wisdom on space 75 win; otherwise, whoever has advanced the farthest wins.

2023-LD 2023-LD-20-1 Age 6+ Arrival-Jul 28 2022 Arrival-Jun 18 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Google-True INV-0-L INV-D Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20231001 Source_Import Games Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2020s Default Title 49.95 ZOC05138 816