booyakajuice 2023-05-05T05:43:39-04:00 booyakajuice 2023-05-05T05:43:39-04:00 2023-05-05T05:43:39-04:00 A Greater Victory: South Mountain, September 14, 1862 (Boxed Edition) Board Games Revolution Games (II)

Vendor: Revolution Games (II)
Type: Board Games
Price: 89.95

Designer Steve Carey
Publisher Revolution Games (II)
Players 1-2
Playtime 120-480 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

After the stunning Union defeat at Second Manassas, Robert E. Lee maneuvered his victorious Confederate Army across the Potomac River and into the state of Maryland. George B. McClellan was put back in command of Union forces, being tasked with repulsing the bold Rebel invasion of the North. The uncharacteristically sudden approach of Union troops put the Confederates on the defensive at South Mountain, a site that was considered perhaps the most rugged battlefield of the entire American Civil War (ACW). As the two sides engaged, much more was at stake other than just a victory or defeat; in addition to protecting their vital lines-of-communication, the Confederates had to keep the larger Union Army at bay so that Stonewall Jackson’s Corps could force the surrender of more than 12,000 Federals under siege at nearby Harper’s Ferry.

A Greater Victory is a Tactical level wargame covering the key encounter at South Mountain on September 14th, 1862. It has been designed to be an historical yet readily playable regimental-scaled simulation of the twin conflict at Fox’s and Turner’s Gap. With two smaller, quick-play scenarios plus a comprehensive scenario covering the full day of action, the design offers flexible and tense situations for both players (also excellent for solitaire play). The Order-of-Battle has been researched to account for items like Confederate stragglers, offering a fresh perspective on the battle.

This is the seventh release in Revolution Games’ popular Blinds Swords series which features a chit-pull system covering the most interesting and important engagements of the ACW. New features debuting here include Brigade Activation cards so that each side can more easily gauge the status of their formations, along with a customized Fog-of-War table assigned to each scenario for an enhanced historical narrative. The series rules have also been adjusted at certain junctions to better reflect the extreme harshness of the terrain that soldiers on both sides had to contend with.

More than just a prelude to the famous Battle of Antietam that was fought just three days later on September 17th, 1862, South Mountain set the stage for that epic engagement. Will Confederate General D. H. Hill be able to hold his scattered and understrength formations together until desperately needed reinforcements arrive, along with Generals Lee and Longstreet? Will Union Generals like Jacob Cox (see side-box image) and George Meade be able to coordinate their brigades into effective attacks, fighting the unforgiving terrain as much as their dreaded enemy? If the Confederates cannot hold, and part of their army is either captured or decisively routed at South Mountain, the subsequent results at Antietam could have been drastically altered, thus changing the course of history.

352 5/8" Counters
22 x 34 inch Map
Exclusive Rulebook
Series Rulebook
2 Event Description Cards
2 Combat Results Table Cards
1 General Records Track
2 Player Reference Cards
2 Brigade Activations Cards

-description from publisher

Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 26 2023 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-May 6 2023 Arrival-New-May-1-7-2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale INV-0-L INV-A Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230514 Sale Type_Regular Year Published_2020s Default Title 89.95 202203-B 4534 2022-06-16T01:53:08-04:00 2022-06-16T01:53:08-04:00 Malta Besieged: 1940-1942 Board Games Worthington Publishing

Vendor: Worthington Publishing
Type: Board Games
Price: 99.95

Designer Steve Carey
Publisher Worthington Publishing, LLC
Players 1
Playtime 75 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

That Scorpion of the Sea: Malta Besieged is a solitaire game covering the pivotal World War II years of the mid-1940 through 1942 period in the often overlooked Battle for the Mediterranean. You are placed in the role of the Commonwealth Commander in the theatre, and must utilize every resource at your disposal to fend off unrelenting Axis attacks in order to ensure the survival of the island of Malta.

Built upon the same States of Siege engine as the designer's previous 2010 Charles S. Roberts award-winning release (We Must Tell the Emperor), Malta Besieged features both familiar and innovative game play. Supply was the key element in the Mediterranean Campaign, and so it is here as well. Players will have to safely shepherd vulnerable convoys - and their valuable cargoes - in order to effectively wage war. With the ability to trade Supply for extra Actions at the most crucial moments, this places an additional emphasis on that precious resource and also creates extremely tense convoy battles which will resolve as the game progresses.

ULTRA is a crucial asset in the game, but beware of Axis counterintelligence! Spitfires can rule the skies, Gibraltar can block U-Boat advances, Operation Herkules is a constant threat, and Admiral Cunningham himself can intervene on occasion.

North Africa is not treated as a mere sideshow; indeed, the struggle with Rommel, the "Desert Fox", holds the ultimate key to victory... if Malta can hold out against the constant pressure. If a fortified Tobruk manages to stubbornly delay the vaunted Afrika Korps long enough, then General Montgomery and his battle-tested 8th Army can possibly make a final dash from El Alamein to capture Tripoli and secure a glorious triumph.

Raiding Axis supply lines to weaken Rommel's Situation, scrambling Hurricanes to provide Air Support for inbound shipping, attacking the Italians early before the dreaded Luftwaffe arrives, requesting British Fleet escort for your individually named convoys, and maintaining the morale of a battered Malta are just some of the important decisions to be made throughout the game. Numerous theatre-wide events such as The Fall of France, O'Connor's desert offensive, the daring raid on the Italian Fleet at Taranto, the Air Assault on Crete, the evacuation from Greece, the sinking of the aircraft carrier Ark Royal, and the Torch landings are all abstracted via card play, and can have a significant impact on the overall conduct of the war.

With That Scorpion of the Sea: Malta Besieged, it's all here - the only question is will you have the wisdom, leadership, fortitude, and luck to prevail? Play this game and find out!

Game Data:

Complexity: 4 on a 9 scale
Solitaire Suitability: 9 on a 9 scale
Game Length: 75 minutes
Scale: Each unit is one Axis Front, each turn is a variable number of days or weeks.

NOTE: The game is currently out-of-print.

1-Player-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 8 2023 Arrival-Dec 10 2022 Arrival-Dec 3 2023 Arrival-Jan 13 2023 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jun 16 2022 Arrival-Jun 18 2023 Arrival-Mar 20 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-13-19-2022 Arrival-Nov 5 2022 Arrival-Oct 7 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-M INV-M-Z Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220619 Restock-20221007 Restock-20221106 Restock-20221212 Restock-20230220 Restock-20230416 Restock-20230625 Restock-20240519 Year Published_2010s Default Title 99.95 WPUB 071 1161 2017-03-06T01:31:00-05:00 2017-03-06T01:31:00-05:00 Fading Glory Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 59.95

Designer Steve Carey
Alan Emrich
Lance McMillan
Joseph Miranda
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Platyime 60-90 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

(from GMT webpage:)

Napoleonic 20 Multi-Pack, Volume I

Fading Glory is the second game (No Retreat - The Russian Front Deluxe Edition is the first) we (GMT Games) are producing as part of our strategic friendship/partnership with Victory Point Games, and the first game we are producing from their popular Napoleonic 20 series. The idea for this and future volumes is that we will take multiple existing games from the VPG Napeoleonic 20 series, add an as-yet-unpublished game to the mix, and create a GMT boxed game with 3-4 games in the box, using larger (3/4") counters and GMT production.

The Napoleonic 20 game system from Victory Point Games features lower-level wargame complexity on maps where, generally, 20 pieces or fewer are in play at one time (total, for both sides). This creates tense, dramatic and fast-playing situations on the board where higher echelon troop formations (generally corps) vie for position and dominance. Subscribers to C3i have recently enjoyed Jena 20, a game in this series which features eight pages of Standard rules and one-to-two pages of exclusive rules per title.
Veteran game designer Joe Miranda, with developers Alan Emrich and Lance McMillan, have created and refined a highly popular game series that is growing all the time. (Based on Joe's series rules, Alan, Lance, and Steve Carey have each designed one of the games in this multi-pack - in addition to Joe's Waterloo game.) A hallmark feature is the use of narrative random event cards that help “tell the stories” unique to each battle and small campaign. This “friction of war” element, combined with the operational-level maneuvers, combat, and even lulls, provide players a fun exercise in the Napoleonic parry-and-thrust of grand battles as armies close to bayonet-point to see which will break first.

This edition includes the latest version (3.0) of the Standard series rules.
Morale plays an vital role, as both sides can ‘spend’ this resource to force march their units, help rally stragglers, or commit reserves to a key attack or defense. But look out… when a side’s morale is reduced to zero, it has lost the game!

Included in this Multi-Pack are:

Salamanca 20 (Wellington vs. Marmont, 1812)
Smolensk 20 (Napoleon vs. Barclay de Tolly in the near-battle to decide the Russian Campaign, 1812)
Borodino 20 (Napoleon vs. Kutusov before Moscow, 1812)
Waterloo 20 (Napoleon vs. Blucher and Wellington, 1815)

Game Components:

Four 17” x 22” mounted maps (2 boards, backprinted)
117 3/4" Counters (thick, with Rounded corners, like No Retreat)
48 Event cards (12 for each game)
One 8-page Standard Rules booklet
4 Exclusive Rules sheets
One Player’s Aid mat
Two Player Aid charts
2 six-sided Dice

DESIGN: Joe Miranda
DEVELOPER: Alan Emrich & Lance McMillan
ART DIRECTOR: Rodger B. MacGowan
COUNTER ART: Tim Allen & Richard Starke
MAP ART: Knut Grünitz

2-Players-Only Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-F Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 59.95 33578589709 2266