booyakajuice 2024-09-02T03:05:24-04:00 booyakajuice 2024-09-02T03:05:24-04:00 2024-09-02T03:05:24-04:00 2GM Tactics (Deluxe Edition) Board Games Draco Ideas

Vendor: Draco Ideas
Type: Board Games
Price: 99.95

Designer Proyecto Enigma
Publisher Draco Ideas
Players 1-4
Playtime 30-120 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

2GM Tactics is a full-fledged strategy card war-game where units are represented by cards and you’ll be in command of your army. You’ll have to build your deck to achieve the goals you’ve been tasked for. Gear up your troops for the battle; deploy all type of units: armor, artillery and transport units; request air support and deceive your enemy. Lead Patton or Rommel to the final victory; seize buildings; destroy your enemy and conquer the battlefield! Play historical scenarios: go ashore in Normandy, defend Monte Cassino or dig in the Ardennes!

You can play 2GM TWG in two ways. You can play a “Battle Royal” - players will establish a number of points, they will set up the battlefield prior commencing the battle and the goal is to destroy your opponent’s Head Quarter; or you can play a “Scenario” – historical or not – with a predefined set of rules to deploy units and the terrain, and pre-established conditions of victory.

In a player’s turn you’ll gain a number of “Action Points” that will be used to deploy new units on the battlefield and to employ other supporting cards. These Action Points will increase by several ways as the game evolves.

“Objectives” to achieve the victory during a game are very diverse: from destroying your opponent’s HQ to capture the battlefield or inflict a specific number of kills to your enemy. Seizing or bombing a building, capturing enemy’s supplies, rescue a flag objective or hold a position for a number of turns are other ways to achieve the victory.

The game includes three different decks: one for the American Army, one for the German Army and a third double-sided deck to represent different types of Terrain.

Each side’s deck is composed by cards representing unique types of units and supporting cards. Different types of units - infantry, vehicle, armor, aircraft and transport -, all with their own specific capabilities and with additional equipment to be deployed.

Supporting cards are assorted: you may find “Equipment”, “Promotion”, “Mines”, and “Diversion”, among others.

Terrain deck includes anything that is needed to make every single battle a unique experience.

Additionally, you´ll find Help and Summary cards along with Flag Generals that will improve your army with their command abilities; 2d10 and more than 100 counters (damage counters, victory points, etc.) and additional equipment to gear up our units depending on the situation.

Age_9+ Arrival-New-Sept-2-8-2024 Arrival_Sept 8 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale INV-0 Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Release_No ETA Stock_New Year Published_2010s Default Title 99.95 DRA06000 6527 2023-10-30T21:12:12-04:00 2023-10-30T21:12:12-04:00 2GM Tactics (Third Edition) (Import) Board Games Draco Ideas

Vendor: Draco Ideas
Type: Board Games
Price: 119.95

Designer Proyecto Enigma
Publisher Draco Ideas
Players 1-4
Playtime 30-120 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

2GM Tactics is a full-fledged strategy card war-game where units are represented by cards and you’ll be in command of your army. You’ll have to build your deck to achieve the goals you’ve been tasked for. Gear up your troops for the battle; deploy all type of units: armor, artillery and transport units; request air support and deceive your enemy. Lead Patton or Rommel to the final victory; seize buildings; destroy your enemy and conquer the battlefield! Play historical scenarios: go ashore in Normandy, defend Monte Cassino or dig in the Ardennes!

You can play 2GM TWG in two ways. You can play a “Battle Royal” - players will establish a number of points, they will set up the battlefield prior commencing the battle and the goal is to destroy your opponent’s Head Quarter; or you can play a “Scenario” – historical or not – with a predefined set of rules to deploy units and the terrain, and pre-established conditions of victory.

In a player’s turn you’ll gain a number of “Action Points” that will be used to deploy new units on the battlefield and to employ other supporting cards. These Action Points will increase by several ways as the game evolves.

“Objectives” to achieve the victory during a game are very diverse: from destroying your opponent’s HQ to capture the battlefield or inflict a specific number of kills to your enemy. Seizing or bombing a building, capturing enemy’s supplies, rescue a flag objective or hold a position for a number of turns are other ways to achieve the victory.

The game includes three different decks: one for the American Army, one for the German Army and a third double-sided deck to represent different types of Terrain.

Each side’s deck is composed by cards representing unique types of units and supporting cards. Different types of units - infantry, vehicle, armor, aircraft and transport -, all with their own specific capabilities and with additional equipment to be deployed.

Supporting cards are assorted: you may find “Equipment”, “Promotion”, “Mines”, and “Diversion”, among others.

Terrain deck includes anything that is needed to make every single battle a unique experience.

Additionally, you´ll find Help and Summary cards along with Flag Generals that will improve your army with their command abilities; 2d10 and more than 100 counters (damage counters, victory points, etc.) and additional equipment to gear up our units depending on the situation.

Age_9+ Arrival-Feb 7 2024 Arrival-New-Oct-30-Nov-5-2023 Arrival-Nov 2 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0 INV-0-L Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20231225 Source_Import Games Year Published_2010s Default Title 119.95 2gm3edEN 6527 2023-10-30T21:10:35-04:00 2023-10-30T21:10:35-04:00 Drums of War: Enclave (Import) Board Games Eclipse Editorial

Vendor: Eclipse Editorial
Type: Board Games
Price: 29.95

Designer Proyecto Enigma
Publisher Eclipse Editorial
Players 1-2
Playtime 30-45 mins
Suggested Age 10 and up

Set in a fantasy world, Drums of War puts each player in charge of an army represented by an asymmetrical deck of cards, led by a commanding hero.

Cards are deployed on the battlefield, in the form of units, equipment or tactics, which decimate the deck for each action they perform.

In two-player or solo games, Drums of War offers fast-paced, tactical games lasting 30 minutes.

To win the game you must cause the opponent’s hero as many wounds as his life value indicates, before running out of cards to recover your hand.

To achieve this, each player has a deck of 38 cards, from which we will have to draw a certain number, according to the hero we are going to use in the battle. Some heroes force us to draw them at random, while others allow us to choose them.

Along the game, we alternatively deploy cards from our hand to the battlefield with the particularity that, to deploy a card, we will have to pay its cost with other cards from our hand.

Retired cards, except for specific ability effects, do not return to play during the game… you will have to choose wisely!

Once both players pass, combat takes place between the units deployed on the battlefield.

—description from the publisher

Ambientado en un mundo de fantasía, Tambores de Guerra pone a cada jugador al frente de un ejército representado por un mazo de cartas asimétrico, comandado por un héroe al mando.

Las cartas se despliegan sobre el campo de batalla, en forma de unidades, equipo o tácticas, que van diezmando el mazo por cada acción que realicen.

En partidas para dos jugadores o en solitario, Tambores de Guerra ofrece partidas rápidas y tácticas de 30 minutos de duración.

Cómo se juega:
Para obtener la victoria debemos causar al héroe rival tantas heridas como indica su valor de vida, antes de quedarnos sin cartas para recuperar nuestra mano.

Para ello, cada jugador cuenta con un mazo de 38 cartas, de las que habremos tenido que retirar cierto número, según el héroe que vamos a utilizar en la batalla. Algunos héroes nos obligan a retirarlas al azar, mientras otros nos permiten elegirlas.

Durante la partida, desplegamos alternativamente cartas de la mano al campo de batalla con la particularidad de que, para desplegar una carta tendremos que pagar su coste con otras cartas de nuestra mano.

Las cartas retiradas, salvo efectos de habilidades concretas, no vuelven al juego durante la partida… ¡tendrás que elegir bien!

Una vez que ambos jugadores pasan se produce el combate entre las unidades desplegadas en el campo de batalla.

—description from the publisher (Spanish)

2024-Sale-75 2024-Sale-OOS 2024-Spring-Sale 2024-Spring-Sale-25 Age_9+ Arrival-Jan 31 2024 Arrival-Jun 29 2024 Arrival-New-Oct-30-Nov-5-2023 Arrival-Nov 2 2023 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Fantasy Discount_On Sale INV-0-L INV-D Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240630 Sale Type_Overstock Source_Import Games Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2020s Default Title 29.95 TdGEn 2663 2020-09-02T14:49:29-04:00 2020-09-02T14:49:29-04:00 2GM Pacific (Standard Edition) Board Games Draco Ideas

Vendor: Draco Ideas
Type: Board Games
Price: 67.95

Designer Proyecto Enigma
Publisher Draco Ideas
Players 1-4
Playing Time 30-90 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

2GM Pacific is a tabletop wargame that allows you to recreate epic battles between the United States and the Empire of Japan in the Pacific Ocean Theatre of World War II.

2GM Pacific is a standalone expansion, so you won’t need previous editions of the game to play. All the components (game board, rulebook, solo mode, art, tokens) have been revised and updated.

It is a game for 1 to 4 players with a strong army-building component, where cards represent military units and the various actions they can perform on the battlefield. Battles take place in turns until one of the players fulfills their victory conditions. Deploy units on a big game board and upgrade them during the battle with extra gear tokens. Generals will have to optimize the resources provided by their nations and take advantage of the terrain to defeat their enemies.

Game includes a highly immersive Campaign Book with Historical Scenarios to recreate the entire Pacific War: defend the Philippines against the Japanese attack, fight in Guadalcanal, disembark at Tarawa, penetrate the Jungle of Saipan, take back the Philippines, survive Iwo Jima and fight gruesome battles in Okinawa.

—description from the publisher

(español, in spanish)

2GM Pacific es un juego de tablero, tipo wargame, que permite recrear batallas entre las naciones de Estados Unidos y Japón en el Teatro de Operaciones del Pacífico durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Se trata de una expansión autojugable que no necesita de otras ediciones anteriores para poder jugar.
Todos los componentes (tablero, reglamentos, modo solitario, ilustraciones, marcadores) han sido revisados y renovados.

Es un juego de 1 a 4 jugadores, con un fuerte componente de configuración de ejércitos, donde las cartas representan a las unidades y diversas acciones en el campo de batalla, y en el que se combatirá por turnos hasta cumplir las condiciones de victoria. Las unidades se desplegarán sobre un gran tablero y se personalizarán durante la batalla con marcadores de equipo adicional. Los generales deberán aprovechar los recursos que ofrece su nación y utilizar a su favor el terreno para derrotar a sus enemigos.

El juego incluye un inmersivo Libro de Campañas con Escenarios Históricos que permiten recrear toda la Guerra del Pacífico: defiende la isla de las Filipinas del ataque nipón, combate en Guadalcanal, desembarca en Tarawa, adéntrate en las selvas de Saipán, reconquista las Filipinas, sobrevive en Iwo Jima y lucha en las cruentas batallas en Okinawa.

Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0 INV-0-L Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2020s Default Title 67.95 HPS-DOI2G001 2568