booyakajuice 2024-04-11T10:48:36-04:00 booyakajuice 2024-04-11T10:48:36-04:00 2024-04-11T10:48:36-04:00 Waterloo Campaign 1815 (Deluxe Edition) Board Games RBM Studio

Vendor: RBM Studio
Type: Board Games
Price: 72.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher RBM Studio
Players 2
Playtime 90 mins
Honor 2019 Charles S. Roberts Best Magazine Board Wargame Nominee
2019 Charles S. Roberts Best Napoleonic Era Board Wargame Nominee

Waterloo Campaign 1815 is a low complexity wargame focused on French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's 1815 Belgian campaign that resulted in his final defeat at the Battle of Waterloo on June 18th. Napoleon was opposed by a Coalition of Anglo-Allied forces under the Duke of Wellington and Prussian forces under Generalfeldmarschall von Blucher.

Game Design by Mark Herman. Volume II in the C3i Series. INSIDE C3i Magazine Nr33 published by RBM Studio.

2-Players-Only Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-New-Apr-22-28-2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-M-Z INV-W Non-TCG Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240901 Default Title 72.95 00545 3969 2023-12-15T19:31:22-05:00 2023-12-15T19:31:22-05:00 Rebel Fury Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 55.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 60-120 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Rebel Fury, Volume I of the Civil War Heritage Series, uses the low-complexity Gettysburg system featured in C3i #32. The Battles featured are Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Chancellorsville, and Fredericksburg (solitaire).

This design features a new system on Civil War combat akin to the old SPI Blue and Gray Quads. Each game in Rebel Fury is quick-set-up, quick-playing, and deeply interactive. The density of counters in each scenario is low, allowing you to see and experience the big picture of the battle.

Rebel Fury places you, the player, in the role of the Army Commander (Lee, Burnside, Hooker, Bragg, Rosecrans, Grant). You maneuver your army to find the enemy’s flanks, concentrate your forces for an attack, and determine where to commit your artillery assets.

Units are portrayed at the Infantry/Cavalry division level. The Civil War Heritage Series game system features a new Zone of Influence/Zone of Control mechanic that controls unit formation (March/Battle) based on their proximity to your opponent. As your units close with the enemy, your forces naturally break into battle formation, where they then maneuver the last distance to engage. Unlike most hex and counter wargames, this system allows you total freedom to move units in any order multiple times, unleashing the full range of historical tactics in a simple and clean format.

—description from the publisher

2-Players-Only Age_14+ Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-May 18 2024 Arrival-New-Apr-22-28-2024 Arrival_Aug 13 2024 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Arrival_Aug 30 2024 Arrival_Jul 21 2024 Arrival_Jul 28 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-M-Z INV-R Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240630 Default Title 55.95 2322 3044 2022-08-10T22:36:16-04:00 2022-08-10T22:36:16-04:00 France 1944: The Allied Crusade in Europe – Designer Signature Edition Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 68.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-2
Playing Time 120-240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

France 1944: The Allied Crusade in Europe, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of an original game covering the historical events that led to the liberation of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands during the Allied drive on Germany by renowned game designer, Mark Herman. This new signature edition has been re-mastered and updated and will be linking with an all-new companion game, Russia 1944, slated for release in 2019.

Changes from the 1986 version include an updated combat system that has been simplified and bloodier. The game updates attrition rules. The Brittany Campaign is captured in the game along with V1 rockets. The mounted map has more terrain features, covers more area. The game includes an additional scenario that takes the war past the Rhine River and goes to the end of the war. The game also includes 70 additional counters and a second map that zooms in on Normandy and features larger hexes to better manage the initial breakout.

This original game influenced Herman's classic Empire of the Sun in that the player will activate a headquarter piece, which in turn activates armor divisions and infantry corps within command range of the headquarters unit. Instead of cards, though, this game uses chits drawn from a cup.

The most unique feature, though, is the attempt to model real time through a simple increment chart. The result is that if a unit moves, it captures an instance of time where all units must do something, even if that means sitting still. There is no movement phase where you move units of various speeds adjacent to an enemy and then go into a combat phase where they all attack. Coordination is captured more realistically, but in a manageable and simplistic system.

The game emphasizes logistics in how you coordinate combat and movement. Also, if you move too rapidly, like George Patton in 1944, you outrun your supplies and have to wait while it catches up.

The game plays in one sitting and has a relatively low complexity for a wargame.

Age_9+ Arrival-Jan 14 2024 Arrival-Mar 29 2024 Arrival-New-Jan-8-14-2024 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Arrival_Jul 6 2024 Arrival_Jul 7 2024 Arrival_Sept 13 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-0-L INV-F Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220605 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240303 Restock-20240707 Stock_Updates Year Published_2020s Default Title 68.95 CPA1066 1597 2022-07-04T07:09:48-04:00 2022-07-04T07:09:48-04:00 Great Battles of Julius Caesar: Deluxe Edition Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 114.95

Designer Richard H. Berg
Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 30-360 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

We are proud to bring back in print two classic Great Battles of History titles in a deluxe treatment (like we did with Great Battles of Alexander and SPQR). Great Battles of Julius Caesar combines Caesar: The Civil Wars, published in 1994, and Caesar: Conquest of Gaul, published in 1996 and reprinted in 2006, into a single package along with the battles that were published as separate modules.

Great Battles of Julius Caesar will have a single rulebook brought up to the production standards of the latest GBoH titles, written so that all the land battles in the original games can be played from single rule book. The one naval battle has its own rule book.

The scenario book features 20 (!!) battles presented in a chronological order that traces the evolution of the Roman military system from early battles against various foreign foes, Caesar’s wars in Gaul followed by Caesar’s wars against his Roman rivals, and culminating with the Roman invasion of Britain a century later.

—description from the publisher

Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 25 2023 Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Jul 11 2023 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-Jun 3 2023 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-New-Sept-5-11-2022 Arrival-Oct 7 2022 Arrival-Sept 10 2022 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-G Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220911 Restock-20230326 Restock-20230716 Restock-20240204 Restock-20240331 Restock-20240901 Stock_Updates Year Published_2020s Default Title 114.95 2201 4345 2022-07-04T07:08:26-04:00 2022-07-04T07:08:26-04:00 Fire in the Lake: Fall of Saigon Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 45.95

Designers Mark Herman
Volko Ruhnke
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-4
Suggested 16 and up
Expansion For
Fire in the Lake

From GMT website:

The Great Spring Offensive

Vietnam, 1975. The Provisional Revolutionary Government was ready. After internal debate, the Communists had issued Resolution 21—the war to unify the country would continue. The Paris Peace would serve as merely one more tool in the armed struggle. In Saigon, President Thieu had known from the beginning that the ceasefire was an empty promise, but he had to accept his US ally’s hollow accords with the North. Nonetheless, he now fielded one of the world’s best equipped armies, and the victories of 1972 proved to him that it could withstand even an all-out assault from the North. While President Nixon had pledged peace with honor, his determination to enforce South Vietnam’s independence had floundered amidst the worst US presidential scandal in history. What now from Ford? From Hanoi, Le Duc Tho—the negotiator who had squared off against Kissinger in Paris—was to trek south to oversee the final push to Saigon on behalf of the Politburo. His orders: “Do not come home until victory is won.”

Mark Herman and Volko Ruhnke’s award-winning Fire in the Lake revealed the factional clashes of the US insurgency in Vietnam, from the first entry of US combat troops under Westmoreland to the ’72 Christmas bombings that teed up their negotiated withdrawal. Now, Fall of Saigon expands Fire in the Lake to finish the story. Three Fall of Saigon scenarios enable 1-4 players to extend play beyond Paris, beginning before 1968’s Tet, on the eve of the 1972 Easter Offensive, or from 1964 all the way to the end of the war. A standalone 2‑player Black April scenario focuses tightly on the post-Paris sparring between NVA and ARVN, including the final massive battles, advances, and retreats.

To show the transition from insurgency and counterinsurgency to mobile mechanized warfare, Fall of Saigon introduces an array of new features, including:
  • Paris Peace Talks that may result in either US or NVA Retreat—or both.
  • A building US Anti-War Movement and Northern War Weariness penalizing the continued campaigns.
  • US Posture that players influence to allow anything from full-bore US economic and financial backing of ARVN’s defense and even a return of US heavy bombers over the North to utter abandonment of South Vietnam.
  • Hard-hitting NVA and ARVN Armor units capable of lightning Spearhead actions and of capturing the enemy’s vehicles to turn around for their own use in the next attack.
  • Head-to-head action, NVA versus ARVN, using the acclaimed 2-player Initiative system from COIN Series Volume VII, Colonial Twilight, by Brian Train.
  • 72 new Event cards for 1973-1975 and four new Pivotal Events to portray the political struggles in Washington, Hanoi, and Saigon; the building conventional military capabilities of the combatants; NVA probes and ARVN counterthrusts; threatened US enforcement of the Accords by air; and the chaos of the final collapse.
  • For solitaire players, Fall of Saigon introduces the popular new card-based Non-player system from Bruce Mansfield, designer of COIN Series Volume IX, Gandhi.

Fall of Saigon will include 79 Event, Pivotal Event, and Coup cards; about 30 Non-player cards; one sheet of counters and track tiles; about 20 added wooden pieces; new and updated player aid charts; and expansion rule and play booklets. Fire in the Lake veterans will find the war beyond Paris easy to rev up but a whole new experience.

Fight on and find the end of the tunnel. A copy of Fire in the Lake will be necessary to play the Fall of Saigon expansion.

Arrival-Aug 11 2022 Arrival-Aug 23-25 2022 Arrival-Aug-8-14-2022 Arrival-Feb 3 2023 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-Mar 3 2023 Arrival-May 27 2023 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-F Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220811 Restock-20230108 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230604 Restock-20240526-Long Restock-20240623 Restock-20240707 Year Published_2020s Default Title 45.95 2111 1197 2022-07-04T07:07:42-04:00 2022-07-04T07:07:42-04:00 Empire of the Sun Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 77.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 360 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Empire of the Sun (EotS) is Mark Herman's third card driven design since he introduced the system to the hobby in We The People. EotS is a strategic level look at the entire War in the Pacific from the attack on Pearl Harbor until the surrender of Japan. EotS is the first card driven game (CDG) to move the system closer to a classic hexagon wargame, while retaining all of the tension and uncertainty people have come to expect from a CDG. Players are cast in the role of MacArthur, Yamamoto, Nimitz, and Mountbatten as you direct your forces across the breadth of the globe from India to Hawaii and from Alaska to Australia. This is represented on a single map based on a 1942 equal area projection of the entire theater of conflict.

As in other games using the CDG system, players try to maximize the impact of their cards even as they hide their intentions and traps from their opponent. The player is faced with a wide set of clear strategic choices. The focus of EotS is on directing major offensive axes of advance. The Japanese early in the game are challenged to achieve their historical expansion as Allied forces battle the clock to react with their in-place forces trying to achieve maximum damage to the hard-to-replace Japanese veteran units.

Combat in EotS is based on successfully bringing superior combined land, air, and sea forces to bear in a two-tiered combat system. The first tier is the resolution of air-naval combat, the second tier covers ground combat. The culmination of both tiers results in one side prevailing in battle.

The key variable in determining strategic victory is the level of U.S. political will. The Japanese win the game by forcing the U.S. into a negotiated peace, which was not achieved historically. The Japanese achieve this by knocking countries like India, China, and Australia out of the war, while inflicting massive casualties on the United States. The delivery of the A-bomb on its historical schedule is not a guarantee, often necessitating Operation Olympic and the invasion of Japan. It is often in its darkest hour that the Japanese find victory in EotS.
EotS scenarios were designed with the busy enthusiast, grognard, and competitive tournament player in mind. EotS was designed to be played n yearly scenarios (1942, 1943, and 1944) of three turns each that play in under two hours. If you are a fan of CDG's, EotS takes the genre into a familiar, but new direction. If you are a fan of classic hexagon wargames, this game has all of the features that brought you to this hobby in the first place, but with a new level of excitement and replayability. The game is comprehensive, but easy to learn.

Age_9+ Arrival-Aug 11 2022 Arrival-Aug 23-25 2022 Arrival-Aug-8-14-2022 Arrival-Dec 10 2022 Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Jan 13 2023 Arrival-Jan 14 2024 Arrival-Jul 15 2023 Arrival-Jun 3 2023 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-Oct 29 2022 Arrival-Sept 13 2023 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-E Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20221227 Restock-20230115 Restock-20230416 Restock-20230528 Restock-20230618 Restock-20230820 Restock-20231001 Restock-20240211 Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2000s Default Title 77.95 0501-21 2871 2022-07-04T07:06:26-04:00 2022-07-04T07:06:26-04:00 Churchill Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 99.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-3
Playtime 60-300 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Honors 2016 Goblin Magnifico Nominee
2015 Meeples' Choice Nominee
2015 Golden Geek Most Innovative Board Game Nominee
2015 Golden Geek Best Wargame Winner
2015 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee
2015 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Nominee

Churchill is NOT a wargame, but a political conflict of cooperation and competition. While the game focuses on 10 of the historical conferences from 1943 till the end of the war these and much of this design should not be taken literally. Before and after each conference small groups of advisors and senior officials moved between the Allied capitals making the deals that drove the post war peace. Each conference sees one of a group of issues nominated for inclusion in the conference. The issues categories are: Theater leadership changes, directed offensives, production priorities, clandestine operations, political activity, and strategic warfare (A-bomb). Each of the historical conference cards independently puts some number of issues such as directed offensives or production priorities metaphorically put on the table, while the players nominate an additional 7 issues.

The game display for this is a circular conference table that the three players sit around behind their 'seat'. Each player has a staff deck of named personages, such as Secretary Stimson and Anthony Eden that are randomly drawn to make your conference hand. A pre-conference round of cards gives leverage to the winner who then moves an issue toward their side of the table equal to the value of the card played. Play then proceeds with the conference where each player in turn plays a card on one of the issues in the center of the conference table moving it the value of the card toward his side of the table. Each card is an historical personage and they often have bonuses if played on a particular category of issue. Contesting an issue has you move an issue away from an Ally toward your own. At all times each player has his Head of State card (Roosevelt, Churchill, or Stalin) that can weigh in on any issue once per conference by discarding another card. Each use of your personage has a bonus and a potential penalty. Each time Roosevelt is used he may die and be replaced by Harry Truman. Churchill can have a heart attack and miss the next conference, while Stalin's paranoia may cause a mini-purge and reduce his sides effectiveness for the remainder of the conference. The net result of the conference play is players will 'win' various' issues with the player who won the most issues gaining leverage in one of the bilateral global issues (UK versus USSR global issue is Free Europe versus Spheres of Influence).

The game then moves into a post conference phase where players implement the issues that they now control. These actions impact three basic game functions: clandestine operations, political activity, and military offensives. Clandestine operations has players try to establish political networks in conquered countries and colonies. Using a very simple mechanic of place a network or remove an opponents network the historical ferment that occurred in Yugoslavia, France and across the world is simply simulated. A country or colony can only have one dominant side's network at any given time and during political activity players can emplace friendly governments in exile that can be subsequently undermined and replaced if the supporting networks are later neutralized by one of your allies.

Once this has all been sorted out the military portion of the game keeps the score. There is a separate display that abstractly represents the major theaters of war, Western, Eastern, Mediterranean, Arctic (Murmansk convoys and Scandinavia), CBI, SW Pacific, Central Pacific, and Far East. Each of these tracks has a Allied front for which I am looking for some kind of 3D tank piece that advance toward Germany, Italy, and Japan. Using a very simple combat mechanic each front tries to advance with Axis reserves deploying to oppose the various fronts. A successful offensive advances the front one space, although with overwhelming superiority a two space breakthrough is possible. Naval operations are simply handled by requiring a defined level of support to advance into an amphibious entry space such as France (D-Day). When a front enters Germany, Italy or Japan they surrender shutting down military operations although clandestine and political activity continue until the end of the game. In the background is the development of the A-bomb and Soviet efforts to steal its secrets. If the A-bomb is available Japan can be forced to surrender sans a direct invasion.

If at the end of Potsdam conference Germany, Italy, and Japan have not surrendered the Allies as represented by the players collectively lose the game. If the Axis have been defeated then tthe winner is the player with the most Cold War points portioned out for governments and networks aligned to your side, global issues, and a list of conditional situations. For example colonies with no network or political authority give Churchill points for keeping colonialism alive or which fronts caused axis surrender.

As I stated this is not a wargame, but a three player excursion into power politics. The game takes around 3 hours to finish, but I will be including a short and medium scenario. All scenarios end with Potsdam, but you will be able to start later in the war if you only have 1 or 2 hours to play. In addition the game can be played with 3 or 2 players plus solitaire. I am very excited about the new Churchill and large scale playtesting will commence by the end of the month. More to follow...

Age_12+ Arrival-Aug 20 2023 Arrival-Aug 26 2023 Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Dec 25 2022 Arrival-Feb 2 2024 Arrival-Jan 24 2024 Arrival-Jul 14 2022 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-Jun 18 2023 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-Sept 30 2023 Arrival_Jul 21 2024 Arrival_Sept 29 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Strategy Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_3 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20221120 Restock-20230122 Restock-20230402 Restock-20230528 Restock-20230716 Restock-20230806 Restock-20231029 Restock-20240114 Restock-20240512 Restock-20240707 Restock-20240901 Stock_Updates Year Published_2010s Default Title 99.95 1504-21 1905 2022-03-07T05:37:09-05:00 2022-03-07T05:37:09-05:00 Across Suez: The Battle of the Chinese Farm October 15, 1973 Board Games Decision Games (I)

Vendor: Decision Games (I)
Type: Board Games
Price: 38.95

Designer Jim Dunnigan
Mark Herman
Publisher Decision Games (I)
Players 2
Playtime 120 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Across Suez is an operational level simulation of the Battle of Chinese Farm, 15 October 1973. The Israeli high command planned to cross the Suez Canal in order to isolate the Egyptian Third Army, but two Egyptian divisions threatened to block the Israeli counteroffensive. Across Suez is a relatively simple, yet challenging recreation of the wildest and most important battle of the October War. Such elements as surprise and shock of first combat, combined arms combat, Canal crossing, as well as artillery bombardment and support have been captured in a game system that is easily grasped and yet allows subtle strategic decisions on both sides. Across Suez contains an 11" x 17" map of the area around Chinese Farm in the Sinai, 100 cardboard playing pieces, rules booklet, and various playing aids.

Also published by Hobby Japan in Basic 3, together with The Big Red One: The Game of the First Infantry Division at the Battle of the Bulge and Leningrad.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 14 2024 Arrival-Mar-21-27-2022 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-New-Mar-21-27-2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale INV-0-L INV-A Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220327 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20231105 Restock-20240609 Sale Type_Regular Year Published_1980s Default Title 38.95 3006 1472 2022-01-12T14:41:37-05:00 2022-01-12T14:41:37-05:00 Pacific War: The Struggle Against Japan, 1941-1945 (Second Edition) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 129.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 60-6000 mins
Suggested Age 16 and up

Pacific War is a Strategic wargame that takes you from the attack on Pearl Harbor to the climatic summer of 1945… from Australia to China… from Burma to Hawaii… from the defense of Wake Island through the invasion of Guadalcanal culminating in the desperate battles to defend the Japanese Home Islands.

For the first time in a Pacific Theater game, size, subtlety, and ease of play has come together in a game of sharp action and historical accuracy.

Players can become familiar with the layered Pacific War systems in the solitaire Engagement scenarios, then fight their way through increasingly panoramic Battle, Campaign, and Strategic two player and multi-player Scenarios. As they learn the game's basic maneuver and combat systems, they will then layer on more advanced systems for Strategic bombing, submarine attacks on merchant shipping, search and detection, amphibious assaults, and extensive Operations driven by their command decisions.

Pacific War is a source of limitless challenge and excitement for anyone ever fascinated with the fury and vastness of the Pacific War.

Pacific War is also a time machine back to the halcyon days of the monster game. However, despite what you may have heard, Pacific War is NOT a monster game, but rather an operational World War II air-land-sea game system that lets you fight EVERY Pacific battle and campaign of significance. The original game came with 21 scenarios. This new edition will add at least half a dozen more. The game gains its monster game reputation from the fact that in order to fight all of these campaigns, you need a large number of counters (over 2000) that represent individual capital ships, cruiser divisions, destroyer squadrons, aircraft groups, and land units ranging from battalions to divisions to corps, with all units individually rated based on their historic performance.

The game map is an equal area map (two mounted maps) which is the grandfather of the Empire of the Sun map. Each hex is 100 miles and covers the entire Pacific from Hawaii to India and Alaska to Australia. The game will also come with a separate map focused on the Solomon Islands where many of the interesting and balanced scenarios occur. What made Victory Games' Pacific War unique in 1985 remains true in GMT’s 2020 edition. The design integrates strategic/operational intelligence into a telescoping time mechanic that allows campaigns to progress in a logical asymmetric flow, accompanied by tense game play. Pacific War is a deep historical simulation, so if this is not what you are looking for in a new purchase, please read no further. So, how is this level of simulation achieved?

During each monthly turn you bid command points (logistics) to determine initiative (offensive player), with the high bid then activating and launching their forces toward their objectives. Secretly, your opponent (reaction player) determines the operational intelligence level and their potential to intercept the offensive. As the offensive develops, it comes within range of enemy air and submarine forces that tactically attempt to detect the oncoming attack. The reaction player decides how to defeat the attack based on the intersection of tactical and operational intelligence coupled with available forces and logistics.

This entire sequence is set within a telescoping time scale (days to hours) that has naval units seamlessly accelerate (from 12 to 30+ knots), searches seek out the enemy, carriers launch air strikes, combat air patrols defend, culminating with torpedo and dive bomber attacks on individual naval targets. At its core, Pacific War’s game systems allows you to fight detailed carrier strikes (sequential and simultaneous) with night surface naval actions (float planes, gunfire and torpedo salvos) integrated with large scale ground offensives on the Asian mainland (e.g., Malaya, Burma, and China) and of course amphibious invasions (e.g., Java, Guadalcanal, and Leyte). If you are looking for a detailed and interactive operational simulation of the War in the Pacific, this is the game for you!

So, what will change in the new version? The structure and feel of the design will be unchanged, so if you played it in your youth, you already know how to play. That said, a devoted number of players have been playing this game for 35 years and I have incorporated the best of their feedback into this new and final edition for this title. I am going over each scenario and updating them with information that I did not have available back in 1985. For example, I now have several Japanese translations of their official records that were only published in the last few years. Toward this end, I am adding at least six new campaign and strategic scenarios, so you can experience the entire panorama of the war in a long afternoon .

The key question that I consider when buying a new game is will it hit the table? The owners and reviewers who created the game's reputation were excited that Pacific War had a layered set of scenarios that incorporated fifteen-minute solitaire learning engagements, two hour battles (such as Coral Sea and Santa Cruz that were used in a decade of tournaments), two to eight hour Campaigns (such as Malaya, Guadalcanal and Breaking the Bismarck barrier), and of course the Strategic scenarios that cover the entire war from a single year to the entire war. Will you ever play the entire war? It's unlikely (to date I have only done it three times). However, Pacific War is an operational level game and the Campaign scenarios are the heart and soul of this game system. Most play in an afternoon to completion. So, will it hit the table? Only you can answer that question, but from a time and learning perspective this game will support any time commitment you wish to make, to include the 100+ hour Strategic Scenario.

The other question that was not asked back in 1985, but to many is important in 2020 is "does Pacific War have a solitaire ‘Bot system?" The answer is no, with an explanation. The only game decision that cannot reasonably be made is the Operations bidding mechanic and the original game included a solitaire bidding mechanic which will be retained. I will look to see if there are any other similar decisions, such as surface action range bids that I have already added. Thereafter, you will need to play both sides. Due to the history and the game system you will likely not notice as you experience the war’s narrative unfold before you. So, although Pacific War will not have a ‘Bot (not even sure how to do that with over 25 scenarios), the game will handle all the interactive bids decisions. If you want a full-blown solitaire opponent, this is not the game for you.
4 inch box
3 rulebooks
2 22 x 34 inch mounted maps
1 cardboard scenario map
9 counter sheets
1 pad of 24 Replacement Record Sheets
1 8.5 x 22 Operations Display
1 11 x 34 Japanese Display Sheet
1 11 x 34 Allied Display Sheet
1 11 x 34 Japanese Screen
1 11 x 34 Allied Screen
2 ten-sided dice
-description from publisher's website

2-Players-Only Age_15+ Arrival-Apr 21 2022 Arrival-Apr 28 2022 Arrival-Apr 6 2022 Arrival-Aug 26 2023 Arrival-Feb 11 2023 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-Jun 29 2022 Arrival-May 27 2023 Arrival-New-Apr-4-10-2022 Arrival-Oct 21 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-P Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220409 Restock-20230709 Restock-20230904 Year Published_2020s Default Title 129.95 GMT-2114 4051 2021-03-19T11:40:23-04:00 2021-03-19T11:40:23-04:00 Simple Great Battles of History (2nd Edition) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 27.95

Designers Richard H. Berg 
Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playing Time 90 mins
Suggested Age 10 and up
Expansion For Caesar: Conquest of Gaul
CAESAR: The Great Battles of Julius Caesar – The Civil Wars 48-45 B.C.
The Great Battles of Alexander
The Great Battles of Alexander: Deluxe Edition

Simple GBoH 2nd Edition Highlights
  • The ZOC Rules were modified to address some odd looking situations that can arise during play, and to simplify the rules language. ZOC effects have been aligned with the standard game. Shock is now mandatory for active units that have enemy units in their ZOC; being in an enemy ZOC is not relevant.
  • An In Command unit may leave a hex adjacent to an enemy unit, but cannot move adjacent to an enemy unit during that Player Turn. Out of Command units are pinned to the hex they are in if adjacent to enemy unit but may change facing.
  • Two-hex units may Reverse Face in reaction to enemy movement in a similar manner to single-hex units, albeit with a higher cost of failure.
  • Offensive Javelin Missile Fire is limited to H&R Tactics and defensive (reaction) Javelin Missile Fire as Return Fire against H&R Javelin fire only.
  • Elephant Screens are now active in Reaction Fire.
  • The Elephant Rampage DR generated by a Missile hit has been removed; Elephant units incur 2 Hits instead (as do Chariot units). Elephants do not Retreat from Shock, but instead incur 2 Hits.
  • Weapons System Matrix reworked to better reflect the results from the standard game tables. Certain types (Archers, etc.) are no longer Shock capable.
  • Shock Resolution & Results: Hits and Moving DRMs have been eliminated along with the Reduction result.
  • Column Movement rules brought up to date.
Playbook Changes
  • SPQR, Alexander (including the two new scenarios), and Caesar/Gaul scenarios modified to match the current editions of those volumes.
  • Most scenarios have modifications to the Formation charts, Seizure Ratings, and/or special rules.
  • Summary page with modifications to Simple GBoH scenarios published in other volumes/modules and C3i

Simple Great Battles of History (Simple GBoH) allows gamers to recreate the significant battles of the ancient Western world covered by GMT's Great Battles of History (GBoH) Series. Simple GBoH is designed for players who want a faster, less die-roll-heavy version of the GBoH system, while retaining as much of the historical flavor and insight of the original rules. These rules and its companion playbook cover all the battles published in Deluxe Great Battles of AlexanderSPQRCaesar: The Civil WarsCaesar: Conquest of GaulCataphract, and all their related modules. The battles presented in C3i are published in the Simple GBoH Battle Manual.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This rules book is self-contained; you do not need the original GBoH rulebooks to play this version...although the former does contain interesting Design and Historical notes. Most of the rules and mechanics which are part and parcel of all previous GBoH series land battles have either been changed or are not here anymore.

Game Components

  • 16-page Rule Book
  • 52-page Play Book
  • 1 11x17" Charts and Tables folio
Arrival-Aug 23-25 2022 Arrival-Dec 10 2022 Arrival-Jul 28 2022 Arrival-Oct 20 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Not-Set INV-M-Z INV-S Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220721 Restock-20220811 Restock-20221002 Restock-20230212 Restock-20240526-Long Default Title 27.95 1710 1057 2020-12-27T00:07:55-05:00 2020-12-27T00:07:55-05:00 Fire in the Lake: Tru'ng Bot Update Pack Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 26.95

Designers Mark Herman
Bruce Mansfield
Volko Ruhnke
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1
Expansion For
Fire in the Lake

Tru’ng is the name of a new bot system for Fire in the Lake. It follows in the footsteps of the innovative card-based bot system that was first developed for Gandhi, giving fans of Fire in the Lake more opportunities to get this great game to the table.

Tru’ng is quick to use and easy to implement, but is sophisticated enough to play the full Fire in the Lake game. When selecting Operations and Special Activities, cards are drawn from the Tru’ng deck—there are six cards for each Fire in the Lake faction. Each card examines the current state of the game and selects the appropriate action for the active faction. A single, faction-specific table then determines where that action will occur. The same table is used to select spaces for Operations, Special Activities, and Events, minimizing the need to flip between multiple player aids.
Playing against Tru’ng feels like playing against a human opponent. It is unpredictable yet responsive to strategic needs, it goes after its enemies while keeping an eye on its ally, and makes moves up to now limited to human players—like choosing a Limited Operation to block an opponent’s Event. Tru’ng can take the place of a human player for any Fire in the Lake faction, can be used with every Fire in the Lake scenario, and can be used in any combination of player and non-player setups.

In 40 CE, the Tru’ng sisters successfully fought to liberate their homeland from foreign occupation. They defeated the Chinese army that had been sent to pacify the region and for three years ruled as queens. In the past two millennia, the legend of the Tru’ng sisters has grown; they are now celebrated as exemplars of sacrifice and patriotism in defense of their homeland. It was the birth of Vietnamese national identity.
“A woman proudly led a young nation; Even the Han emperor heard of it, and was terrified.”
— 19th century Vietnamese poem

Note: The Tru'ng bot works for Fire in the Lake only, not for the Fall of Saigon expansion. The bot in Fall of Saigon has to deal with the additions in that expansion, so it only works for Fall of Saigon.

—description from the publisher

1-Player-Only Arrival-Apr 14 2023 Arrival-Apr 15 2023 Arrival-Apr 6 2022 Arrival-Aug 23-25 2022 Arrival-Aug 26 2023 Arrival-Dec 10 2022 Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Dec 3 2022 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Feb 2 2024 Arrival-Feb 3 2023 Arrival-Feb 4 2023 Arrival-Jul 15 2023 Arrival-Jul 20 2023 Arrival-Jun 16 2022 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-Mar 29 2024 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-May 27 2023 Arrival-Oct 7 2022 Arrival-Oct 7 2023 Arrival-Sept 27 2023 Arrival_Jul 26 2024 Arrival_Jul 28 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-F Non-TCG Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220217 Restock-20220515 Restock-20220731 Restock-20220911 Restock-20221013 Restock-20230103 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230205 Restock-20230423 Restock-20230611 Restock-20230813 Restock-20231015 Restock-20240114 Restock-20240303 Restock-20240526 Restock-20240609 Year Published_2020s Default Title 26.95 2016 GMT2016 1019 2020-04-27T16:54:01-04:00 2020-04-27T16:54:01-04:00 Pacific War: The Struggle Against Japan 1941-1945 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 0.00

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Suggested Age 16 and up

Pacific War is a strategic wargame that takes players from the attack on Pearl Harbor through the climactic summer of 1945... from Australia to China, from Burma to Hawaii... from the defense of Wake Island to the Guadalcanal campaign to the massive actions fought in desperate defense of the Japanese homeland.

For the first time in a Pacific Theater game, size, subtlety, and ease of play have come together in a game of sharp action and historical accuracy. Players can become familiar with the layered Pacific War systems in the solitaire Engagement Scenarios, fighting their way through increasinly panoramic Battle, Campaign, and Strategic two-player and multi-player Scenarios. Building on the game's basic maneuver and combat systems, players learn to conduct strategic bombing, merchant shipping attition, search and detection, amphibious assaults, and extensive Operations whose duration and cost they determine themselves.

Pacific War is a source of limitless challenge and excitement for every gamer ever fascinated with the vastness and fury of the Pacific Campaigns.

2-Players-Only Age_15+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-P NewProduct Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_1980s Default Title 0.00 31922659983411 2268 2020-04-22T22:30:17-04:00 2020-04-22T22:30:17-04:00 Versailles 1919 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 94.95

Designers Geoff Engelstein
Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-4
Playing Time 60-120 mins
Suggested Age 13 and up

On November 11th, 1918 an armistice halted the killing field that was The War to End All Wars. To make peace, Woodrow Wilson (United States), David Lloyd George (United Kingdom), and Vittorio Orlando (Italy), were hosted by President George Clemenceau (France) in Paris, and sat down to write what would become the Versailles Treaty. The treaty was signed on June 28, 2019, after six months of acrimonious debate and bargaining between the great powers.

Versailles 1919, created by designers Mark Herman and Geoff Engelstein, allows you to experience this piece of history as one of the four leaders with a national agenda that must be satisfied. As one of the Big Four, you sit in a conference room gaining influence on the issues present in the room. Hovering in the waiting room sit other issues and personages who are waiting their turn to make their case to meet regional aspirations such as self-determination. Will you support Ho Chi Minh’s attempt to free Vietnam from French colonialism? Help Prince Feisal establish a new nation in Mesopotamia or Chaim Weitzman create a Zionist state? Work with TE Lawrence to reduce unrest in the Middle East or with Ataturk in Anatolia?

As France, you are concerned with containing future German aggression while aligning with the British on reparations to pay for the destruction of the war. The British, however would like to see Germany restored as a trading partner while preserving their empire against the global aspiration for self-determination. Italy wants territorial concessions from the former Austro-Hungarian empire. Lurking in the background is the threat of Bolshevism. Towering above it all is President Woodrow Wilson with his 14 points that set global expectations soaring, ultimately ending in disappointment when the US does not join the League of Nations.

Versailles 1919 introduces a new card bidding mechanic, where you use your influence to settle issues aligned with your agenda while keeping domestic constituents in support of your actions. You need to balance the need to demobilize your military forces while simultaneously keeping regional unrest under control. All of these decisions are set against the backdrop of regional crises and uprisings. The player who writes more of the treaty prevails in this contest of wills and national agendas. Can you save the world from the rise of nationalism? Can you make a better world while satisfying your domestic electorate? Play Versailles 1919 and relive making the flawed peace that was the Treaty of Versailles.

Game Components:
  • 60 Issue Cards
  • 60 Event Cards
  • 4 sets of 15 cubes
  • 4 sets of 3 Squares
  • Mounted Mapboard (22"x34")
  • 4 8x10 player displays
  • 4 8x10 Playaids (identical)
  • One set of two sided mounted counters
  • 3 Special dice with custom symbols
  • 1 d6
  • 1 Rules booklet
  • 1 Playbook
Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 25 2023 Arrival-Dec 25 2022 Arrival-Jan 13 2023 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jul 28 2022 Arrival-Jun 2 2022 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-Jun 29 2024 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-Sept 13 2023 Arrival-Sept 24 2022 Arrival_Jul 21 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Strategy Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-V Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220503 Restock-20220707 Restock-20221103 Restock-20221227 Restock-20230129 Restock-20230402 Restock-20230828 Restock-20231225 Restock-20240519 Restock-20240707 Year Published_2020s Default Title 94.95 GMT-2004 3589 2020-01-17T05:28:36-05:00 2020-01-17T05:28:36-05:00 Combat Commander: Battle Pack #4 – New Guinea (2nd Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 24.95

Designer John H. Butterfield
Bryan Collars
John Foley
Mark Herman
Kai Jensen
Andy Maly
Volko Ruhnke
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playing Time 180 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Expansion For Combat Commander: Pacific
Honors 2011 Charles S. Roberts Best Expansion or Supplement for an Existing Game Nominee

Combat Commander: Battle Pack #4 - New Guinea is the fourth themed collection of scenarios for use with the Combat Commander series of games. The theme of this fourth Battle Pack shifts to the actions in New Guinea from January 1942 through July 1944, following the major campaign phases with characteristic actions. CC -New Guinea features fourteen new scenarios printed on cardstock as well as six new maps.

Rules relevant to the characteristic fighting in the coastal jungle versus the highlands are included as needed for each scenario, without the need of an additional rule booklet. A number of unusual, creative special scenario rules cover the unique situations represented, including Air Supply, Barge Landing, Canebreak and Coastal Jungle, Emplaced M3 Tanks, Joint Allied Operations including the Papuan Infantry Battalion, Patrol Dogs, Swamp Holes and Swamp Forest.

The new maps depict specific locations in New Guinea: the beachhead at the base of Mt Vulcan across from Rabaul, the village of Oivi, a high-mountain ridge overlooking Eora Creek, a strongpoint on the Soputa-Sanananda Road, the edge of the airstrip at Wau, and one of the crossings of the Driniumor River near the Afua Trail.

The scenarios included in CC–New Guinea are:

* M1 – “Rabaul Rousers” set at the base of Mt Vulcan on Simpson Bay across from the town of Rabaul, with a Japanese barge landing against Australian defenses at night, 23 January 1942;

* M2 – “The Gloomy Forest” set at the village of Oivi, with Australians and Papuans of Maroubra Force facing the rapidly moving Yokohama Advance Party, 26 July 1942;

* M3 – “Rebuked at Rabi”, set at Milne Bay, with an SNLF attack against Australian units, 3 September 1942;

* M4 – “Templeton’s Crossing” set at a heavily-contested crossing of Eora Creek high in the Stanleys, 17 October 1942;

* M5 – “Blind Man’s Bluff” set along one of the high ridges above the treacherous Eora Creek, with intermingled combatants, 28 October 1942;

* M6 – “Breakout” set at Gorari after the fall of Kokoda to the Australians, with a desperate banzai action, 11 November 1942;

* M7 – “The Butcher’s Bill” set on the Soputa-Sanananda Road, with US forces entering the conflict in horrific swamp forest, 10 December 1942;

* M8 – “Closing Outer Camp” set at Buna station, with Australian units using M3 tanks to eradicate the defenders, 18 December 1942;

* M9 – “Wau Me Worry” set at the Wau air strip (with active landing operations during the action), with Australian defenders facing a desperate attack, 31 January 1943;

* M10 – “Bulolo River Bridge” set outside the outpost at Wau, with patrols of both sides (including Japanese Patrol Dogs) attempting to use the same bridge at cross-purposes, 30 January 1943;

* M11 – “Shattered Bobdubi” set during the advance upon Salamua, with Australian units driving upon a Japanese base camp set in the kunai-covered heights of the interior, 30 June 1943;

* M12 – “Scarlet Beach” set at the mouth of the Song River near Finschhafen, with a Japanese barge landing at night against combined Australian and US defenders, 17 October 1943;

* M13 – “Bad Dreams” set on the Driniumor River, featuring the heroic stand of an unknown US BAR operator facing a hastily prepared Japanese night charge, 10 July 1944; and

* M14 – “Encirclement of Troop C” set on the Driniumor River, featuring a Troop of US Cavalry trying to stave off being surrounded by Japanese units that had surprised them by walking casually into their positions, 21 July 1944.

NOTE: CC–New Guinea is not a complete game and requires ownership of Combat Commander: Pacific to play.

Designed by John Foley

Developed by Kai Jensen

Additional scenario designs in this fourth Pack are courtesy of John Butterfield, Bryan Collars, Mark Herman, Andrew Maly and Volko Ruhnke.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Apr 25 2023 Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Dec 25 2022 Arrival-Jan 13 2023 Arrival-Jun 2 2022 Arrival-Nov 2 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220213 Restock-20220428 Restock-20221127 Restock-20221227 Restock-20230326 Restock-20231009 Restock-20240310 Year Published_2010s Default Title 24.95 1103-19 943 2019-12-27T07:50:48-05:00 2019-12-27T07:50:48-05:00 Cataphract (2nd Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 84.95

Designers Richard H. Berg
Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 360 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Honors 1999 Charles S. Roberts Best Pre-World War II Boardgame Nominee
Expansion Simple Great Battles of History (2nd Edition) 

Cataphract is defined as a heavily armored cavalryman modelled either on the Sarmatians (cataphractarius) or the Persians (clibanarius). He was the ultimate mounted armored warrior of the ancient world, trained in both shock and missile combat.

Cataphract portrays the development of the art of war wrought by the early Byzantine Empire, during the reign of Emperor Justinian, under his great Generals, Belisarius and Narses. During this period the Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, for a brief period of time, re-captured a large portion of what was formerly the Western Roman Empire. Although successful in its attempts to reconquer Italy and North Africa, the Byzantine Empire's resources were insufficient to hold on to its gains.

Cataphract covers all the major battles that defined this era. To place these battles in their proper historical context, the Campaign Game, Justinian, is enclosed, which covers the quest to reconquer the Roman Empire under one ruler.

Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Aug 23-25 2022 Arrival-Jul 14 2022 Arrival-Jul 28 2022 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Availability_In Stock BD-2022-Overstock-16-Undo-Price BF-2022 BF-2022-Overstock-12 BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Overstock-Restore-20230113 Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220213 Restock-20220703 Restock-20220721 Restock-20220811 Restock-20221127 Restock-20230115 Restock-20230402 Restock-20240331 Year Published_1990s Default Title 84.95 GMT-9906-19 1270 2019-06-18T22:59:25-04:00 2019-06-18T22:59:25-04:00 Peloponnesian War Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 64.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2
Suggested Age 14 and up

What was old is new again. I am excited to have this opportunity to bring back into print and enhanced version of my original Peloponnesian War design that was originally published by Victory Games. This military game of ancient warfare lets YOU chart the destiny of the war. Peloponnesian War uses a still-unique solitaire system that was a pioneer in this genre, yet was never copied.

Most current solitaire systems on the market today have the player take one side for the entire game. This pits the player against a random 'Bot system, even the best of which have some difficulty giving you the same challenge as playing against a human opponent. In Peloponnesian War, you get to play both sides, pitting yourself against the best that YOU can offer. If the game system is winning, the player is forced to continue with the losing side. Success, on the other hand, will eventually force the player to change sides and recover the losing side's fortunes. The duration of the war and the player's performance determine victory. In this manner the player competes against himself in the classic tradition of the Greek tragedy. - Mark

From the opening of the Archadameian War in 431BC to the Fall of Athens in 404, The Peloponessian War allows YOU to compete against the man in the mirror, as you live through the suicide of Greece. Maneuver your generals, hoplites, and navies to fight battles and attempt to bring the war to an end on your terms. Take heed, however. As you weaken your foe, you create a greater game challenge for yourself. For as you improve in strength, so does your opponent.

In terms of physical components, Mark's enhanced version is getting the full GMT treatment: mounted map and strategy boards, high-quality thick counters, redesigned rules and playbook, all with new art throughout. This will be a product that you'll want to own and play for a long time! We hope you enjoy this enhanced GMT version of Mark Herman's classic solitaire game design.

—description from the publisher

Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-P Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 64.95 GMT1905 2455 2019-03-19T14:14:42-04:00 2019-03-19T14:14:42-04:00 Diadochoi: Great Battles of Alexander Module Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 19.95

Players 2
Playtime 240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Expansion for  The Great Battles of Alexander: Deluxe Edition

Diadochoi covers the four major battles that took place during the early Diadochoi wars at the end of the 4th Century BC as Alexander the Great's marshals jostled and fought for position and control of his vast empire. Each of the diadochoi, the so-called 'successors', sought to expand upon and improve the Macedonian system of warfare so brilliantly used by Alexander. Ultimately, all they succeeded in doing was to rigidly formalize its elements, adding only hordes of elephants, the ultimate expression of which was the massive battle of Ipsus, the largest known elephant battle in history."

Expansion module for the Great Battles of Alexander, Deluxe Edition. Part of the Great Battles of History (GBoH) series.

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Not-Set Google-True INV-0-L INV-D Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Default Title 19.95 9506-14 754 2019-03-19T14:13:29-04:00 2019-03-19T14:13:29-04:00 Phalanx: Great Battles of Alexander Module Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 18.95

Players 2
Playtime 240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Expansion for  The Great Battles of Alexander: Deluxe Edition

Phalanx covers two of the major battles in the waning days of the Successor Wars, in which the Greek city-states and leagues and the descendants of the original Diadochoi were still fighting for Hellenic supremacy, and in which the phalanx -- the massive, heavy infantry formation brought to peak efficiency by Alexander -- was still in its heyday. The armies in these battles are very Macedonian in style, with a lot of mixing of unit types and capabilities, with the exception that, because of the terrain, reliance on cavalry is almost non-existent."

Expansion module for the Great Battles of Alexander, Deluxe Edition. Part of the Great Battles of History (GBoH) series.


The Great Battles of Alexander: Deluxe Edition

Availability_Out of Stock BF-2020 BGG-Not-Set Google-True INV-M-Z INV-P Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Default Title 18.95 9703-14 716 2018-09-25T15:38:07-04:00 2018-09-25T15:38:07-04:00 SPQR (Deluxe Edition) (2nd Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 104.95

Designers Richard H. Berg
Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Expansion Simple Great Battles of History (2nd Edition)

SPQR Deluxe Edition
19 Battles! (including 5 from the Barbarian module)
6 doublesided maps
6 counter sheets
Rules for SPQR and Modules

Battles (and the modules they appeared in originally):
  • Beneventum, Bagradas, Cannae, Zama, and Cynocephalae (SPQR)
  • Baecula, Ilipa (Africanus)
  • Trebbia, Metaurus (Consul for Rome)
  • Magnesia (War Elephant)
  • Heraclea, Asculum (Pyrrhic Victory)
  • Muthul River, Cirta (Jugurtha)
  • NEW 6/18/18 All battles from the Barbarian! module

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Google-True INV-M-Z INV-S Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220213 Restock-20220307 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Default Title 104.95 9201-18 3967 2018-04-29T22:38:40-04:00 2018-04-29T22:38:40-04:00 Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis, 1860-61 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 44.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 20-40 mins
Suggested Age 10 and up

Description from the publisher:

Fort Sumter is a two-player Card Driven Game (CDG) portraying the 1860 secession crisis that led to the bombardment of Fort Sumter and the American Civil War. Fort Sumter is a small footprint game (11x17” mounted map) that takes approximately 25-40 minutes to play. The game pits a Unionist versus a Secessionist player. Each player uses the area control mechanic pioneered in Mark Herman's We The People design and immortalized in Twilight Struggle to place, move, and remove political capital. The location of political capital determines who controls each of the four crisis dimensions (Political, Secession, Public Opinion, and Armaments). After three rounds of play, the game culminates in a Final Crisis confrontation to determine the winner.

The heart of the Fort Sumter design is Mark's CDG system where you use Strategy cards for their value or historic event to acquire political capital from the crisis track. Political capital tokens are used to compete for control of the twelve map spaces. Here the likes of William Lloyd Garrison, Sam Houston, Jefferson Davis, and Harriet Beecher Stowe walk on stage, while the Southern states dissolve the Union.

The twelve map spaces are grouped into the four dimensions of the crisis. You gain a victory point each round that you control a dimension’s three spaces. For example, the Armaments dimension is characterized by Federal Arsenals, Fort Pickens, and of course, Fort Sumter. In addition, each round you score a victory point for controlling your secret objective space. But beware; either player can score active objective spaces. At the end of the dual Presidential inaugurations (round three) a new Final Crisis mechanic drives the game to its hotly contested conclusion.

Utilizing a new Final Crisis Series mechanic, you may accelerate the crisis by breaching zones (escalation, tension, final crisis) that yield bonus political capital. However, beware, as the first person to breach the final crisis zone gains political advantage, yet loses victory point ground. Each game ends with a Final Crisis, where cards set-aside during the three rounds complete your final political maneuvers that determine the winner.

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Jul 14 2022 Arrival-May 21 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Abstract Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-F Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220206 Restock-20220530 Restock-20230416 StoreFront-2P Year Published_2010s Default Title 44.95 1808 898 2018-01-15T19:49:20-05:00 2018-01-15T19:49:20-05:00 Simple GBoH Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 21.95

Designer Richard H. Berg
Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 90 mins
Suggested Age 10 and up

A significant simplification of GMT's popular Great Battles of History series, this is a set of rules that allows you to play scenarios from many of the various GBOH games and their expansion modules. Many of the more fiddly aspects of the system have been dramatically simplified (shock combat, missile combat, orderly withdrawal, elephants, leader activation), or eliminated entirely (rout/rally, individual orders, strategy ratings, momentum, trumping). The rules for SGBOH are the same across all the GBOH settings, so there is no problem moving from game to game. Scenarios also play much faster, from 1-3 hours instead of the old 4 hrs and up. Scenarios provided list approximate playing times as well as balance assessments for all the scenarios (of 53 scenarios, 11 are rated as "even").

Note that this is not a standalone game; ownership of at least one GBOH title is required.

Games that only require SGBOH rules (have SGBOH scenarios and game-specific rules included)
- Chandragupta
- Chariots of Fire
- Devil's Horsemen
- Hoplite

Games requiring SGBOH playbook
- Alexander
- Caesar: The Civil Wars
- Caesar: Conquest of Gaul
- Cataphract

Games requiring SGBOH battle manual
- Many C3i scenarios from above

Games that are not supported by SGBOH
- Ran
- Samurai
- Lion of the North
- War Galley
- Caesar in Alexandria - but it is very SGBOH-like apparently
- Siege of Alesia


- Simple Great Battles of History Rules (Nov. 2004 edition has updates for several scenarios)
- Simple Great Battles of History Charts
- Simple Great Battles of History Playbook containing SGBOH scenarios for Alexander, SPQR, Julius Caesar, Conquest of Gaul and Cataphract.

GMT in March, 2017 released a new Second Edition of Simple GBoH.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-S Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2000s Default Title 21.95 3431002243098 830 2017-03-29T01:37:00-04:00 2017-03-29T01:37:00-04:00 Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 94.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 45-360 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Pericles is a four player 'sandbox' design that covers the period from 460 BC to 400 BC. The players each represent one of two Athenian or Spartan factions. The game has a political and a war phase. During the war phase the players are US versus THEM. During the Political Phase it is ME versus YOU (Athenian faction versus Athenian faction and Spartan king versus Spartan king).

The City State (Athens or Sparta) that gains the most Honor wins the war and the faction on the winning side with the most Honor wins the game.

There are over twenty scenarios that cover portions of the war with playing times from 30 minutes (mini Theater scenario), 45 minutes (6 years of the war), 90 minutes (a decade of war), and then there are the three long scenarios that cover the 1st Peloponnesian War, 2nd Peloponnesian War plus the Campaign game. There are rules for 3 player, 2 player, and solitaire play.

Age_9+ Arrival-Dec 3 2022 Arrival-Jul 14 2022 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-Oct 7 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-P Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_45 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220530 Restock-20220915 Restock-20221030 Restock-20230122 Restock-20230409 Restock-20231105 Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 94.95 GMT1701 2087 2015-06-08T14:29:00-04:00 2015-06-08T14:29:00-04:00 Hoplite Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 67.95

Publisher GMT Games
Players 2-9
Playtime 240 mins
Suggested Age 13 and up
Honors 2014 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee

Hoplite, the 15th volume in the Great Battles of History series of games, allows players to recreate classic battles from the pre-Alexandrian Persian-Hellenistic Age, the heyday of the Hoplite (heavy infantry fighting in packed formation). This period is often considered to feature the birth of Western Warfare, as opposed to the Persian/Eastern style, which relied on archery , light cavalry, and mobility.

Exactly how hoplite warfare was fought – what really happened when “the bell rang” – is highly disputed by ancient military historians, even today. Hoplite allows you to test out your theories (well, our theories, using your dice) with eleven of the great battles of this era, from the Battle of Leuctra, featuring the huge 60-man deep phalanx of Beotarch Epaminondas to the classic confrontations with the Persian missile-armed troops against the classic Greek hoplite phalanxes.

Hoplite uses detailed mechanics meant to convey all the possibilities of this style of warfare, from The Hellenic Law of Inertia, to Drift to the Right, to the special capabilities of the Persian Light Cavalry (Harassment and Dispersal) to three different levels of Hoplite advance to Combat (the Run Don’t Walk rules) and a whole lot more. We even still have some good old chariots!

And you get to fight what was the biggest land battle in European history up until Napoleonic times, the immense Battle of Plataea (truly the deciding engagement of the Greco-Persian Wars): two maps and about 250 combat counters covering The Greek Contingents from 26 City-States under Pausanias, Spartan Regent and General, vs. The Persians, Medes, Asians (Bactrians, Scythians, Indians and a whole lot of others) and seven Medized Greek city-states, under Mardonius, Persian Commander and son-in-law of The Great King, Darius I.

The package includes Simple GBoH versions for each of the battles along with special rules that highlight the hoplite style of warfare.

Hoplite is the ultimate board game simulation on the birth of Western Warfare. And it lets you see how we stack up with the latest (June 2013) book on the subject:

Men of Bronze: Hoplite Warfare in Ancient Greece, Donald Kagan (Editor), Gregory F. Viggiano (Editor)


  • 3 22 x 34" back printed maps
  • 4 Counter Sheets (1,120 1/2" counters)
  • 1 Rules Book
  • 1 Scenario Book
  • 2 player aid folio cards (standard rules)
  • 1 player aid card (Simple GBoH rules)
  • 1 ten-sided die
  • plastic counter storage bags


Game scale: 100 yards per hex

Players: 1 to 4 – Plataea (no solo rules; Plataea could hold up to nine actually)

Playing Time: 1 ½ to 8 hours


  • Cunaxa
  • Delium
  • Ephesus
  • Leuctra
  • Mantinea
  • Marathon
  • Mycale
  • Plataea
  • Nemea
  • Coronea
  • Tanagra
Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-H Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 67.95 3472647617 2568 2015-06-08T14:04:00-04:00 2015-06-08T14:04:00-04:00 Simple GBoH Battle Manual Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 12.95

Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 25 mins
Suggested Age 8 and up

This special C3i Magazine (RBM) publication contains Simple GBoH versions of every GBoH battle that has been included in the back issues of C3i Magazine from issue No. 1 through 14, and also the "C3i - SPQR Player's Guide".

Fifty five GBoH battles are featured in this new publication. These scenarios run the gamut from the early hoplite battles from the Persian Wars (Marathon, Plataea) through the Roman disaster at Teutoburg Forest during the reign of Augustus Caesar.

The C3i "SimpleGBoH Battle Manual" consists of a playbook in the same style as the original SBGoH packet, plus a sheet of 259 counters to include the additional leaders needed to play the C3i scenarios, along with the few markers that are unique to the Simple GBoH system. Also included is a completely updated rule book/charts folio incorporating the latest errata and clarifications.

Although the rules are self-contained, one must have copies of the appropriate Great Battles of History game and/or module as well as the C3i article (the articles for the out of print back issues of C3i Magazine are available free, as PDF files, at the GMT Games website). And note that the original SGBoH packet is still available, providing conversions for the previously published GBoH games and modules.

2-Players-Only Age 6+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-S Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_30 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2000s Default Title 12.95 3472246145 490 2015-04-19T01:18:00-04:00 2015-04-19T01:18:00-04:00 The Great Battles of Alexander: Deluxe Edition (New Edition) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 119.95

Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Phalanx: Great Battles of Alexander Module
Diadochoi: Great Battles of Alexander Module
Simple Great Battles of History (2nd Edition)

Honors 1991 Charles S. Roberts Best Pre-World War II Board Game Nominee

Note on Expanded Deluxe Edition 2nd Printing: This edition will be identical to the previous version except that any known errata will be corrected AND the out of print Tyrant module will be included at no additional cost!

The Great Battles of Alexander: Deluxe Edition
, the updated, expanded, full-color-enhanced version of the best-selling, multi-award-winning game system that started the Great Battles of History series, includes new game counters, maps, packaging, battles, and scenarios that cover all the major battles from the original game and the Juggernaut module, plus five additional battles ... ten in all. The Great Battles of Alexander: Deluxe Edition is virtually the complete history of Alexander the Great and the Macedonian art of war.

Game features:

  • Third Edition rules, with many changes and additions
  • New maps for The Granicus and Chaeronea, plus an expanded Gaugamela map
  • Armies for the Danubian tribes, Illyrians, Greeks, Persians, Scythians, and Indians
  • Eighteen new Macedonian Commanders
  • New Restricted Line Command system for Persians, Indians and Greeks
  • Wing Commanders and Macedonian Contingent Commanders
  • Cavalry Shock Formations: The Companion Wedge and the Thessalian Diamond
  • The Persian Immortals and Kinsmen, Macedonian artillery, cataphracted cavalry ... and cataphracted elephants!



  • 720 full-color two-sided counters (43 full-color two-sided double-size counters)
  • Three full-color double-sided 22x34" map sheets
  • One 10-sided die
  • 32-page Rule Book
  • 24-page Scenario Book
  • Player Aid Cards: Two 8.5x11" cards showing game charts & tables


TIME SCALE: 20 minutes per turn
MAP SCALE: 70 yards per hex
UNIT SCALE: 100 men per strength point

2023-BF-Overstock-Restore Age_9+ Arrival-Dec 3 2023 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Mar 20 2024 Arrival-Mar 29 2024 Arrival-Nov 18 2023 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Arrival_Aug 30 2024 Availability_In Stock BF-2023 BF-2023-Overstock-15 BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-G INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20231203 Restock-20231217 Restock-20240630 Restock-20240707 Sale Type_Regular Year Published_1990s Default Title 119.95 9501-23 3400