booyakajuice 2024-07-02T10:11:28-04:00 booyakajuice 2024-07-02T10:11:28-04:00 2024-07-02T10:11:28-04:00 Virgin Queen (2nd Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 91.95

Designer Ed Beach
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2-6
Playtime 420 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up


Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598
 is a game of grand strategy for two to six players based on the military, political and religious conflicts within Europe during the reigns of Elizabeth I of England and Philip II of Spain. Each player controls one or more of the major powers that presided over European politics in that day. Spain is the juggernaut, able to draw upon the vast riches of their global empire. But such a dominant power is sure to have many enemies. The Ottoman expansion towards Spain's Mediterranean outposts remains unchecked. Elizabeth's English sea dogs are poised to raid Spain's overseas empire. And the forces of Protestant reform will soon drag Spain into eighty years of rebellion in the Netherlands. Will Spain find aid from its Catholic allies? Perhaps not from France, where the Catholic Valois dynasty is soon to engage another group of Protestant believers in the bloody French Wars of Religion. And even Philip's relatives in Vienna who rule the Holy Roman Empire may dabble in the Protestant faith instead of remaining loyal to their Catholic heritage and Spanish brethren.

The six powers in Virgin Queen are:

  • Ottoman
  • Spain
  • England
  • France
  • Holy Roman Empire
  • Protestants (Dutch & Huguenots)

Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598 is the sequel to Here I Stand, another card-driven game of grand strategy that covered the previous forty years (from Martin Luther's posting of his 95 Theses in 1517 through the abdication of Charles V in 1556). Players familiar with Here I Stand will find much that is familiar in Virgin Queen as over half of the rule book remains unchanged. New game systems have been put in place to emphasize the changing nature of the conflicts here in the late 16th Century:

  • Religion: Streamlined from Here I Stand, the new rules for religious conversion and rebellion allow actions to be resolved quickly, reflecting the already entrenched presence of both Catholic and Protestant factions across the key areas of religious struggle.
  • World Map: Oceanic expeditions are now under direct player control as they sail to the Caribbean and beyond to seize plunder, found colonies, and attempt to circumnavigate the globe.
  • Diplomatic Influence: Alliances with minor powers (and major powers that can be activated in games with fewer than six players) are now made through a unified system where players buy influence at each of these foreign courts.
  • Weddings: Here I Stand’s secret negotiation phase is still present here in Virgin Queen, but with a new twist. Now you will want to arrange marriages for each of the princes and princesses of your family dynasty with a suitable foreign royal. Will even the Virgin Queen succumb to love and take a husband, or will she jilt that suitor at the last minute once again?
  • Patronage: Your royal court will be visited by artists, writers, scientists, and architects, who all want you to invest in their endeavors for the glory and advancement of the realm. Will you sponsor Galileo, Cervantes, or Shakespeare or instead spend your treasury on a fruitless quest for the Philosopher's Stone?
  • Espionage: Beware, there is also a dark side to this period – a time of espionage and spymasters. In Virgin Queen you can ask your ambassadors to spy on foreign courts, send out handgun-armed assassins, invest in cryptology, and even recruit Jesuit priests for undercover missions of conversion.

There are several different scenarios included allowing your play sessions to be tailored to the number of players and time available:

  • Two-Player Tutorial: Great for new players just learning the series, this 90-minute game pits the Ottomans against Spain during the time of the Siege of Malta and Battle of Lepanto. Uses a subset of the full rules so you can dive in quickly.
  • Campaign Scenario: The full Virgin Queen experience, this eight-hour game can last up to seven turns and is normally played with from 4 to six players. Variant rules allow you to play with just two or three players if desired.
  • Armada Scenario: A quicker game focused on Turns 3 to 6 of the full campaign, this 4 to 5-hour game is ideal for tournament play. Once again supports from 4 to 6 players.
Age_9+ Arrival_Aug 18 2024 Arrival_Aug 22 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Strategy Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-V Non-TCG Players Maximum_6 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 91.95 1201-24 3211 2024-01-18T09:15:54-05:00 2024-01-18T09:15:54-05:00 2023 Replacement Countersheet Accessories GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Accessories
Price: 17.95

The games with counters on the sheet are:

  • Barbarossa: Army Group Center
  • Great Battles of Julius Caesar Deluxe Edition
  • Flying Colors: Under the Southern Cross
  • Pacific War
  • Seas of Thunder
  • Musket & Pike Dual Pack
  • Next War: Poland 2nd Edition
  • Next War: Supplement #3
  • Vietnam 1965-1975
  • Clash of Sovereigns
  • Fields of Fire Vol. 2: With the Old Breed
  • Mr. President
  • Border Reivers
Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-May 12 2024 Arrival-New-Jan-15-21-2024 Arrival_Aug 25 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-ACC Non-TCG Product Type_Accessories Product-International Default Title 17.95 2320 1084 2024-01-12T05:06:00-05:00 2024-01-12T05:06:00-05:00 Clash of Sovereigns/Clash of Monarchs Mounted Map Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 27.95

This double-sided mounted map includes a new map for Clash of Monarchs on one side and the map for Clash of Sovereigns on the other. ]]>
2-Players-Only Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-New-May-20-26-2024 Arrival_Aug 13 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Product Type_Accessories Product Type_Board Games Product-International Default Title 27.95 2404 2455 2023-12-27T14:53:49-05:00 2023-12-27T14:53:49-05:00 The Plum Island Horror Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 96.95

Designer Hermann Luttmann
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 120-150 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

The Plum Island Horror is a 1 to 4 player game featuring cooperative play that combines tactical-level unit management with a tower-defense style survival mechanic. Each player will control one of six unique factions which represent the various groups that populate Plum Island. Each of these Factions has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the system encourages you to optimize for the group’s strengths and marginalize its weaknesses. Players must coordinate with one another, and the resulting synergy will hopefully be enough to successfully evacuate a city under siege and contain the horrific outbreak that threatens to spread beyond the island itself. If the players can succeed, they will win together, and the world will most likely be none the wiser to the averted crisis. If not, they will lose together and share the blame equally for failing humankind.

—description from the publisher

Arrival-Apr 6 2024 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-Mar 20 2024 Arrival-Mar 29 2024 Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-New-Jan-15-21-2024 Arrival_Aug 25 2024 Arrival_Aug 30 2024 Arrival_Jul 12 2024 Arrival_Jul 14 2024 Arrival_Jul 26 2024 Arrival_Jul 28 2024 Arrival_Sept 13 2024 Arrival_Sept 14 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Cooperative Category_Thematic Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-P INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240121 Restock-20240225 Restock-20240310 Restock-20240317 Restock-20240324 Restock-20240414 Restock-20240421 Stock_Updates Year Published_1950s Default Title 96.95 2318 4894 2023-12-27T14:53:43-05:00 2023-12-27T14:53:43-05:00 The Last Hundred Yards: Volume 4 – The Russian Front Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 64.95

Designer Mike Denson
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 60-240 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Expands The Last Hundred Yards

The Last Hundred Yards Vol. IV: The Russian Front is the fourth game in The Last Hundred Yards series. It covers major campaigns and missions from the second half of the war in the east, introducing the Russian army to the series for the first time. A series of missions simulates actions from the October 1943 fighting in the Ukraine near Krivoi Rog, while others feature fights during the Russian 1944 summer offensive, Operation Bagration. All major Russian armor from late 1942 onward is covered, plus some additional late war German armored vehicles.

The unique feature of this module is how Russian army behavior is modeled at the tactical level, particularly in its lack of local command-and-control flexibility and general indifference to casualties when fulfilling its missions. Make no mistake, playing the Russians will require a different mindset. The challenge will be in understanding the Russian behavior modeled in LHY and transitioning that into solid tactical applications. The Russians need numbers to make up for their lower tactical flexibility, but "quantity has a quality all its own,” and they generally do get those numbers. While the period of the war covered by the module was one of overall Russian initiative, it still featured numerous German counterattacks, and module missions feature plenty of German attacks against Russian defenses as well as the reverse. Another set of new tactical challenges in the module stem from the frequently more open terrain found in the western Ukraine.

The Last Hundred Yards (Base Game) and Volume II (Airborne Over Europe) are core volumes for the rest of the European LHY series. Thus, players must own both Volumes I and II to play the Russian Module, Mission Pack 1, and future modules in the series.

—description from publisher's website

Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Jan 6 2024 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-Mar 17 2024 Arrival-New-Jan-1-7-2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-L INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240121 Stock_Updates Year Published_2020s Default Title 64.95 2317 3425 2023-12-27T14:51:12-05:00 2023-12-27T14:51:12-05:00 Panzer North Africa Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 129.95

Designer James M. Day
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-3
60-180 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Panzer North Africa is designer James Day's newest game in his acclaimed Panzer system of World War II small-formation armored and infantry combat. Now players can take command of armored formations of German, Italian, or British forces and refight key engagements in the North African desert from mid-1940 to late 1942. For Panzer veterans and newcomers alike, this stand-alone game requires no previous ownership of other games or modules in the Panzer series.

Contains rules for solo play, Italian, British and German units, and 30 scenarios.

Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-Mar 17 2024 Arrival-Mar 29 2024 Arrival-May 18 2024 Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-New-Mar-11-17-2024 Arrival_Aug 25 2024 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Arrival_Jul 7 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-M-Z INV-P Non-TCG Players Maximum_3 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240317 Restock-20240714 Year Published_2020s Default Title 129.95 2301 4912 2023-12-27T14:50:55-05:00 2023-12-27T14:50:55-05:00 Norman Conquests: Men of Iron Volume V Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 65.95

Designer Ralph Shelton
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 60-240 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

The Normans, and their successors, had a large impact on history. Normans, from Nortmann (northman), were originally Viking raiders that settled in what would now be northern France. Normans gained territory as far away as southern Italy and Sicily, and modern day Syria. They were Crusaders, they were Kings, they were princes, and they were scoundrels. They began as raiders from the north that fought on foot and transformed themselves into Dukes, Kings, and princes that fought from horseback.

How many games include a battle with a Papal army? Very few, so Norman Conquests visits Italy and the Norman Count of Apulia fighting with, and capturing, the Pope. Stretching the definition to include the Norwegian King Harald (III) Hardrada (undoubtedly a northman) and his invasion of England allows us to include all three battles for the throne of England in 1066, including the most famous Norman William the Conqueror and his invasion of England. Next we catch up with two sons of William I, the Duke of Normandy and the King of England, feuding over his lands years after his death. We end with the Baron’s War between William I’s great-great-great-grandson Henry III and his barons who were led by Simon de Montfort.

—description from the publisher

Age_9+ Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-Mar 19 2024 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-New-Jan-15-21-2024 Arrival_Jul 7 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BREAKOUT-2024 Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-N Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240121 Restock-20240218 Year Published_1950s Default Title 65.95 2319 3370 2023-12-27T14:46:19-05:00 2023-12-27T14:46:19-05:00 Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles (Second Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 92.95

Designer Richard Borg
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playing Time 60 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up
Accessory Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles - Dice Set
Expansion CDG Solo System

The Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles game rules allow players to portray important engagements of Japanese history. The battles, included in the scenario booklet, focus on the historical deployment of forces and important terrain features in scale with the game system. The scale of the game is flexible and varies from battle to battle. For some scenarios, an infantry unit may represent an entire clan of soldiers, while in other scenarios a unit may represent just a few brave warriors.

—description from the publisher ]]>
2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jan 6 2024 Arrival-May 25 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_60 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240414 Year Published_2020s Default Title 92.95 2018-23 3400 2023-12-27T14:46:19-05:00 2023-12-27T14:46:19-05:00 Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion #5 - Generals, Marshals, Tacticians Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 69.95

Designer Richard Borg
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 60-180 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Commands & Colors: Napoleonics

Generals, Marshals, Tacticians
is the fifth expansion for GMT’s Commands & Colors: Napoleonics game system.

The Commands & Colors Napoleonics game system allows players to effectively portray epic Napoleonic battles, as well
as smaller historical actions. The scale of the game is flexible and varies from battle to battle. In some scenarios, an Infantry unit may represent an entire division, while in others a unit may represent a single regiment or battalion. During play, the Command cards drive movement, while creating a “fog of war”, and the battle dice resolve combat quickly and efficiently.
The stylized battlefield maps emphasize the important terrain features and highlight the historical deployment of forces in scale with the game system. Finally, the Napoleonic tactics you will need to execute to gain victory conform remarkably well to the advantages and limitations inherent to the various Napoleonic National Armies of the day and the battlefield terrain features on which they fought.
Generals, Marshals & Tacticians is the fifth expansion for GMT’s Commands & Colors Napoleonics game system. There are 18
historical scenarios in this expansion. A number of the scenarios focus on the engagements of the French army of 1813 against the Russian, Austrian and Prussian armies around Leipzig.

The expansion also introduces a brand new deck of Tactician cards. The Tactician cards, along with the updated deck of Napoleonic Command cards, are designed to spice up each and every player’s Napoleonic experience by enhancing the role
of Leaders on the battlefield, without adding additional complexity or pages of rules. Overall, the Tactician cards add some exciting new command possibilities to the scenarios included in this expansion. Also included is a comprehensive listing of Commander tactical ratings for all Commands & Colors Napoleonics scenarios released to date. This listing will allow players to refight any previously released Napoleonic scenario using the
new Tactician card deck, the updated set of Command cards and these Generals, Marshals & Tacticians rules.

Welcome to some enhanced fun!
Richard Borg

Sahagun (cavalry action) - 21 December 1808 (British vs French)
Sorauren (French right early afternoon) - 28 July 1813 (British/Portuguese vs French)
Sorauren (French left) - 28 July 1813 (British/Portuguese vs French)
Göhrde - 18 September 1813 (Coalition Allies vs French)
Wartenburg - 3 October 1813 (Prussian vs French)
Dohna - 9 October 1813 (Russian vs French)
Leipzig - Liebertwolkwitz (morning) - 14 October 1813 (Russian/Prussian vs French)
Leipzig - Liebertwolkwitz (afternoon) - 14 October 1813 (Russian/Prussian/Austrian vs French)
Leipzig - Lindenau - 16 October 1813 (Austrian/Russian vs French)
Leipzig - Möckern (French right) - 16 October 1813 (Russian/Prussian vs French)
Leipzig - Möckern (French left) - 16 October 1813 (Prussian vs French)
Leipzig - Gohlis - 17 October 1813 (Prussian vs French & Allies)
Brienne - 29 January 1814 (Russian vs French)
Chateau-Thierry - 12 February 1814 (Prussian vs French)
Vauchamps - 14 February 1814 (Prussian/Russian vs French)
Orthez (French Right) - 27 February 1814 (British/Portuguese vs French)
Orthez (French Left) - 27 February 1814 (British/Portuguese vs French)
Hougoumont - 18 June 1815 (British/Allies vs French)

(In order to play many of the scenarios in this expansion, the basic game or earlier expansions, you will need a copy of the Commands & Colors Napoleonic game and the Spanish, Russian, Austrian and Prussian expansions.)

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Jan 9 2024 Arrival-Mar 2 2024 Arrival-May 18 2024 Arrival-New-Oct-16-22-2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240121 Year Published_2010s Default Title 69.95 1513-23 2001 2023-12-27T14:46:18-05:00 2023-12-27T14:46:18-05:00 Commands & Colors: Medieval Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 85.95

Designer Richard Borg
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 60-120 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Accessory Commands & Colors: Medieval - Mounted Mapboard

Game description from the designer:

Commands & Colors: Medieval is based on the highly successful Commands & Colors game system and by design is not overly complex. The Medieval game introduces many new game concepts to the Commands & Colors system, which add historical depth and flavor. Some of the new concepts are:

Superior armor and status when battling

Cavalry units increase to 4 blocks

Heavy infantry battle dice are reduced from 5 dice down to 4

Light Bow Cavalry units can employ the Parthian Shot when they evade

Still, some Commands & Colors game mechanics remain familiar to players of other games in the system, like the deck of Medieval Command cards that drive movement while creating a “fog of war,” and the battle dice that will resolve combat quickly and efficiently. The stylized battlefield scenario maps emphasize the important terrain features and highlight the historical deployment of forces in scale with the game system. The scale of the game is flexible, and varies from battle to battle. For some scenarios, a unit may represent a Chiliarchy of soldiers, while in other scenarios a unit may represent just a few brave warriors. The battlefield tactics, however, that you will need to execute to gain victory conform remarkably well to the strengths and limitations of the various medieval unit types, their weapons, the terrain, and history.

Although the Byzantine army fought on other frontiers, against a multitude of opponents, Visigoths, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Franks, Alemanni, those conflicts are beyond the scope and space of this one package. Additional expansion modules that address those battles will be forthcoming.

I truly believe, that the Commands & Colors: Medieval game will provide even the most veteran Commands & Colors players many new challenges and experiences. ]]>
2-Players-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Mar 17 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Stock_Updates Year Published_2010s Default Title 85.95 GMT1901 3249 2023-12-27T14:45:26-05:00 2023-12-27T14:45:26-05:00 Banish All Their Fears: Bayonet & Musket Battles, Volume 1 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 66.95

Designer David Fox
Ben Hull
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 90-180 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

The Bayonet & Musket Battles series is GMT's follow-up to the extremely popular Musket & Pike series, showing the movement of European warfare from tactical systems based on shock to a modern reliance on firepower. Volume 1 will be Banish All Their Fears, covering the battles of Neerwinden, 1693 and Blenheim, 1704.

- Neerwinden, July 29, 1693, War of the League of Augsburg. Outnumbered and thoroughly out-maneuvered by the French army under the Duke of Luxembourg, British King William III refuses to retreat his Allied army over the river to his rear and instead elects to defend a stout breastwork line strongly anchored on fortified villages. Luxembourg has the cream of the French army at his command, and sees an opportunity to break the enemy defenses and possibly destroy the Allied army.

- Blenheim, August 13, 1704, War of the Spanish Succession. Facing defeat in Spain, northern Italy, and along the Rhine, the Duke of Marlborough leads his Allied army deep into Bavaria and threatens to remove that key French ally from the war. The French respond by sending an army under Marshal Tallard that links up with the Bavarians under Elector Max Emmanuel and stands to face Marlborough near the village of Blenheim on the banks of the Danube.

Larger armies and the primacy of firepower mean significant changes for the familiar Musket & Pike game system:

Larger armies. Brigades became the primary battlefield maneuver element, and while retaining foot battalions and horse regiments as our unit scale, we've made brigades paramount. Shifting brigades between wings and committing them into action to take advantage of enemy mistakes was the essence of victory for the great commanders of the age, and we've built that into the game.
Supremacy of firepower. Combat has been streamlined and simplified so that most unit combats are now resolved in 1 - 2 die rolls with decisive results. Players will soon learn the importance of creating and using fresh reserves to bolster their shot-up frontline battalions.
Solid map and OOB research. Nothing new here, the consistently high level of historical research that went into maps and OOB's in the Musket & Pike series continues.

2-Players-Only Age_9+ Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-New-Jan-15-21-2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-B Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Year Published_1950s Default Title 66.95 2308 3370 2023-12-15T19:31:22-05:00 2023-12-15T19:31:22-05:00 Rebel Fury Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 55.95

Designer Mark Herman
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 60-120 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Rebel Fury, Volume I of the Civil War Heritage Series, uses the low-complexity Gettysburg system featured in C3i #32. The Battles featured are Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Chancellorsville, and Fredericksburg (solitaire).

This design features a new system on Civil War combat akin to the old SPI Blue and Gray Quads. Each game in Rebel Fury is quick-set-up, quick-playing, and deeply interactive. The density of counters in each scenario is low, allowing you to see and experience the big picture of the battle.

Rebel Fury places you, the player, in the role of the Army Commander (Lee, Burnside, Hooker, Bragg, Rosecrans, Grant). You maneuver your army to find the enemy’s flanks, concentrate your forces for an attack, and determine where to commit your artillery assets.

Units are portrayed at the Infantry/Cavalry division level. The Civil War Heritage Series game system features a new Zone of Influence/Zone of Control mechanic that controls unit formation (March/Battle) based on their proximity to your opponent. As your units close with the enemy, your forces naturally break into battle formation, where they then maneuver the last distance to engage. Unlike most hex and counter wargames, this system allows you total freedom to move units in any order multiple times, unleashing the full range of historical tactics in a simple and clean format.

—description from the publisher

2-Players-Only Age_14+ Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-May 18 2024 Arrival-New-Apr-22-28-2024 Arrival_Aug 13 2024 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Arrival_Aug 30 2024 Arrival_Jul 21 2024 Arrival_Jul 28 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-M-Z INV-R Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240630 Stock_Updates Default Title 55.95 2322 3044 2023-09-05T09:39:32-04:00 2023-09-05T09:39:32-04:00 Pursuit of Glory (Second Edition) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 60.95

Designer Brad Stock
Brian Stock
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 360 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Pursuit of Glory: The Great War in the Near East is a sequel to the award-winning Paths of Glory. This game puts you in the driver's seat of the British/Russian alliance or the Ottoman Empire during World War One. Gallipoli, holy war, mutiny, and the Russian Revolution await. Walk in the shoes of men such as Churchill, Lawrence of Arabia, Enver, and Falkenhayn.

The action stretches from India to the Balkans, from the Black Sea to Suez. Can the Germans inspire a Persian uprising or forge an alliance with Afghanistan? Can the Russians capture a warm water port? Can the British guard the oil that fuels the Royal Navy? Can the Turks capture the Suez Canal and spark a revolt in Egypt?

In Pursuit of Glory, your hand of 7 cards presents you with an array of strategic and operational opportunities. You must decide whether to use each card for its historic event, command points, or resources. You must then commit your forces to a variety of objectives: the Turkish-Russian frontier in Caucasia, the violation of neutral Persia, oil-rich Mesopotamia, the Suez Canal, the Balkans and its vital railroads. You must judge when it is right to invade Serbia or launch a new naval invasion (perhaps on the inset map representing Gallipoli).

As the British, you must hold on while your Russian allies break through the Turkish lines in Caucasia and you bring your forces to bear through invasion and a gradual build-up of imperial might. As the Turks, your objective is to gain complete victory early, uniting your strength with Germany and crippling the British Empire in Egypt and India or to persevere.

(from GMT website)

Pursuit of Glory is a stand alone sequel to Paths of Glory, a card-driven strategy game covering the first World War. Unlike the original game, which focused on the European theater of World War I, Pursuit of Glory focuses entirely on the Great War in the Middle East. Pursuit of Glory uses the same card-driven mechanics and point-to-point of the first game, but with some rules changes and modifications to better simulate the conditions of the war in the Middle East.

It was developed by Brad and Brian Stock with the permission of Ted Raicer, the designer of the original Paths of Glory.

(BGG description)

Game Features
TIME SCALE Approx. 1 year per hand of cards
MAP SCALE Point-to-Point

DESIGNER: Brad Stock & Brian Stock
DEVELOPER: Tony Curtis & Neil Randall
MAP, CARD, & COUNTER ART: Mark Simonitch

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Mar 17 2024 Arrival-May 18 2024 Arrival-Oct 21 2023 Arrival_Jul 12 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-P Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20231119 Restock-20240609 Year Published_2000s Default Title 60.95 2313 2268 2023-09-05T09:39:22-04:00 2023-09-05T09:39:22-04:00 Plantagenet: Cousins' War for England, 1459 - 1485 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 88.95

Designer Francisco Gradaille
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Suggested Age 16 and up

In Plantagenet—the newest volume in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign Series—players lead one of the two factions across the three main periods of war, as individual scenarios or the entire Wars of the Roses.

Designer Francisco Gradaille adds overall and local political influence to Volko’s medieval operation system to reflect the ever-changing loyalties of the time while keeping play familiar to fans of the Series. Players will create and maintain a network of allied lords and nobles in order to obtain the provender and coin needed to supply and pay their armies. As ravaging and looting will damage each side’s reputation, each faction will strive to convince cites to join its side. Great battles will seek to kill or capture enemy lords—perhaps even a king. Two kinds of operational moves will be in play: the military and the political.

In the end, when the dust settles and all arrows have flown, one rose will sit on the throne. White or Red, York or Lancaster, gather your troops and banners and join the fight.

—description from the publisher ]]>
Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-Jun 7 2024 Arrival-Mar 17 2024 Arrival-New-Sept-18-24-2023 Arrival-Nov 12 2023 Arrival-Oct 21 2023 Arrival-Sept 23 2023 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BREAKOUT-2024 Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-P Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230924 Restock-20240714 Year Published_2020s Default Title 88.95 2310 3211 2023-09-05T09:29:28-04:00 2023-09-05T09:29:28-04:00 Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion #3 - The Austrian Army (3rd Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 74.95

Designer Richard Borg
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 90 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Commands & Colors: Napoleonics

The Austrian Army is a Coalition expansion for Commands & Colors Napoleonics.

Prior to the Napoleon wars, the Austrian Empire stretched from Italy to the Netherlands and from Poland to the Balkans. Its Position in the center of Europe, however, made it the perfect target for revolutionary France and in April 1792, France declared war on Austria. The first war lasted for 5 years. Austria renewed the war against France in 1799 and again in 1805, but in both cases was swiftly defeated. In April 1809, judging that Napoleon’s army
was bogged down with the fighting in Spain, Austria invaded Bavaria, but Napoleon recovered quickly and Austria’s defeat at Wagram led to another humiliating peace treaty.

Even though the Austrian army was the third largest in the world, the Austrians lost many more battles than they won. At the time of the Napoleonic Wars, the Austrian army was a large multi-national army, made up of Austrians, Swedes, Hungarians, Englishmen, Scots, Irishmen, Walloons, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Croats, Serbs, and even French royalists.
The infantry regiments were large and somewhat reliable, but the tactical formations and drill were still entrenched in the past. The cavalry, although well mounted, still applied the practice of scattering their formations in small bodies, which greatly reduced their combat effectiveness. In general, the Austrian army did enjoy many successes on a regimental level, but at the brigade, divisional and corps levels its commanders were often
woefully inadequate.

In this expansion you will find 20 historical scenarios that focus on the Austrian Army battles from 1805 to 1809 against Napoleon, plus all the new units you’ll need to field for these engagements.

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Mar 29 2024 Arrival-May 18 2024 Arrival-New-Oct-16-22-2023 Arrival-Oct 21 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Year Published_2010s Default Title 74.95 1307-23 - Exp (Red + Grey) 2682 2023-09-05T09:29:27-04:00 2023-09-05T09:29:27-04:00 Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion #2 - The Russian Army (4th Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 74.95

Designer Richard Borg
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 90 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Commands & Colors: Napoleonics

The Russian Army is a Coalition expansion for Commands & Colors Napoleonics.

Russia, was ruled until 1796 by Catherine the Great. It would then suffer under "Mad" Tsar Paul I, until his assassination in 1801, which brought his son Alexander I to the throne. Alexander, in command of a Russian army that was as vast as the territory from which it was drawn, did his best by various treaties and alliances to counter the increasing power of France under Napoleon without going to war.

The Russian army at the time of Napoleonic wars still had many characteristics of Peter the Great’s regime; senior officers were largely recruited from aristocratic circles, and the Russian soldier was regularly beaten and punished to instill discipline. Furthermore, many lower-level officers were poorly trained. Yet the Russians involved in hostilities with its neighbors - Sweden, Poland, Turkey and Austria - were capable of astonishing feats and total, blind obedience to orders.

In 1805 Britain and Russia signed an alliance against France. In 1806, Prussia joined the Coalition and Prussia and Russia mobilized for a fresh campaign. After Napoleon’s humiliation of Prussia at Jena, the French Emperor turned his attention to subduing his Russian foe and marched into Poland. After a series of sanguinary battles, the French drove Russian forces out of Poland back to Mother Russia and created a new Duchy of Warsaw, but made a solid treaty between the two nations at Tilsit.

In 1812, the Russo-French treaty gradually became strained, as the requirement of joining France's Continental Blockade against Great Britain was a serious disruption of Russian commerce. Bonaparte decided to bring the Russians back into line in June, and invaded Russia hoping to inflict a major defeat on the Russians and force Alexander to sue for peace. The invasion of Russia and the retreat of the French army, as many historians point out, proved to be the turning point in the Napoleonic Wars.

In 1813 Russia opened the campaign against Napoleon joined by Prussia and Austria, and during the three-day battle of Leipzig, Bonaparte's fate was sealed.

In this expansion you will find 18 historical scenarios that focus on the Russian Army battles from 1806 to 1814 against Napoleon, plus all the new units you’ll need to field for these engagements.

- Richard Borg

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-New-Oct-16-22-2023 Arrival-Oct 21 2023 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_90 Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Year Published_2010s Default Title 74.95 1301-23 - Exp (Blue + Green) 2682 2023-09-05T09:29:26-04:00 2023-09-05T09:29:26-04:00 Commands & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion #1 - The Spanish Army (4th Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 74.95

Designer Richard Borg
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 90 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up


2011 Charles S. Roberts Best Expansion or Supplement for an Existing Game Nominee


Commands & Colors: Napoleonics

Note on 4th Printing: This is identical to the 3rd Printing, except that any known errata will be corrected.

At the time of the Napoleonic Wars, Spain was only a shadow of its former power. Spanish troops and leaders, as many Napoleonic historians point out, performed badly on a large number of occasions. Yet there are a number of battles, Bailen, Tamames, Alcaniz and San Marcial where the Spaniards fought valiantly and gained victory. Ironically, the point most historians overlook is the fact that the Spanish armies constituted a threat that the French simply could not ignore. As good as Wellington’s Anglo-Portuguese field army was, that army faced multiple French armies. They could only defeat one French army at a time. The Spanish Armies and the accompanying guerrilla warfare against French troops tied down the remainder, allowing the Anglo-Portuguese army to ultimately emerge victorious.

In this expansion you will find 18 historical scenarios that focus on Peninsular battles fought by the Spanish army from 1808 to 1813, plus all the new units you’ll need to field for these engagements.

Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Jan 18 2024 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-May 18 2024 Arrival-New-Oct-16-22-2023 Arrival-Oct 21 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Google-True INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240331 Stock_Updates Default Title 74.95 1114-23 - Exp (Blue + Red) 2682 2023-09-05T09:28:54-04:00 2023-09-05T09:28:54-04:00 CDG Solo System Pack #2 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 20.95

Designer Stuka Joe
Ken Kuhn
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1

The CDG Solo System is a revised GMT Edition of Stuka Joe's CDG solo method, which streamlines two-handed solitaire gameplay by decreasing turn to turn overhead and maintenance. This method of play increases narrative immersion as the great battles of history unfold on your tabletop.

CDG Solo System Pack #2 includes a red and yellow Card Display, a black fate die, the system rules and 6 new playsheets that add solo play to:
- 1960: The Making of The President
- Commands & Colors: Napoleonics
- Commands & Colors: Medieval
- WW2: Barbarossa to Berlin
- Pursuit of Glory
- Wilderness War

-description from publisher

1-Player-Only Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Mar 20 2024 Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-New-Sept-18-24-2023 Arrival-Oct 21 2023 Arrival-Sept 23 2023 Arrival_Aug 3 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-C Non-TCG Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20231001 Restock-20240407 Restock-20240714 Year Published_2020s Default Title 20.95 2315 754 2023-09-05T09:25:37-04:00 2023-09-05T09:25:37-04:00 18 India Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 86.95

Designer Michael Carter
Anthony Fryer
John Harres
Nick Neylon
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2-5
Playtime 150-240 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

India's railroad history began in 1837 when The Red Hill Railway used the country's first steam-powered locomotive to carry stone for road work to Madras, modern-day Chennai. In 1845, India's first railway was incorporated, the Madras Railway. Sixteen years later, on a warm April day in 1853, a 14-carriage train carrying 400 passengers was hauled 21 miles by three steam locomotives - the Sahib, Sindh, and Sultan - and passenger railway service was thus initiated in India. From there, as they say, the rest is history, and India today has the world's fourth-largest railway network.

18 India is an operational railroad game for 2 to 5 people that plays in about 3 hours. The game is inspired by 1829 Mainline by Francis Tresham, and while the venerable Mr. Tresham created some novel mechanics for that game, many of them are not ideal for players that eschew in-game randomness. In 18 India, those random elements are transformed into an amazing level of pre-game variability, which gives each session of the game a different character.

Arrival-Apr 21 2024 Arrival-New-Oct-16-22-2023 Arrival-Oct 21 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-0 INV-0-L Non-TCG Players Maximum_5 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Year Published_2020s Default Title 86.95 2216 3211 2023-05-10T20:55:52-04:00 2023-05-10T20:55:52-04:00 No Retreat 2: The North African Front, Mounted Maps Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 33.95

No Retreat 2: The North African Front, Mounted Maps.

Arrival-Aug 3 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-New-Jul-31-Aug-6-2023 Arrival-New-May-15-21-2023 Arrival-Nov 18 2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set INV-M-Z INV-N Non-TCG Product Type_Board Games Product-International Default Title 33.95 1312-MM 1283 2023-04-11T12:27:19-04:00 2023-04-11T12:27:19-04:00 The Barracks Emperors Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 50.95

Designer Wray Ferrell
Brad Johnson (I)
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 30-120 mins
Suggested Age 0 and up

The Barracks Emperors is a strategy card game set against the backdrop of the Roman Crisis of the Third Century, during which at least 45 different men made a claim to the throne of the Roman Empire. In this game, 1-4 players represent prominent political factions attempting to gain control over the men who would be Emperors of Rome. Players deploy the influence available to them (represented by the cards in their hands) to claim imperial reigns (represented by the historical Emperor cards arrayed on the board.) But they must be very careful, because politics is a complex game, and sometimes attempting to exert your influence necessitates aiding someone else in their own plots. Play your cards cleverly to capture Emperors and score the most points to win.

At its heart, The Barracks Emperors is a trick-taking game, but not one like you’ve ever seen before. In this innovative design, all 13 tricks are available for play simultaneously, in an interlocking grid that forces you to balance the value of every card you play against the value that same card may have for another player on a different trick. Plus, every card grants you an additional special ability that you might be able to use to spring a surprise on your unwitting opponents.

Historical emperors, co-emperors, pretenders, and even Gallic Emperors who broke away from Rome during the Crisis of the Third Century are all represented as individual cards in the game, each with interesting facts about the rise and demise of the man depicted.

For fans of Time of Crisis and The Age of Iron and Rust, you will find some of the concepts and flavor from that deck-building wargame, adapted in this all new standalone game. You don’t need Time of Crisis to play The Barracks Emperors, but you’ll recognize Influence Cards such as Praetorian Guard, Foederati, and Pretender, now used in an entirely new way.

An innovative card drafting mechanic adds an extra layer of strategy to how you play your cards while also mitigating the luck that would come with being dealt a full hand of cards at the start of each round.

This game is designed for 4 players, but also includes options for 2 or 3 players, plus an easy-to-play solitaire adaptation for the solo player.

114 2.75" x 2.75" cards
22" x 34" mounted game board
6 x +1/+2 markers (2 each of Red, Blue, and Yellow)
16 page rule book ]]>
Arrival-Apr 6 2024 Arrival-Aug 13 2023 Arrival-Aug 26 2023 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Feb 24 2024 Arrival-Jul 15 2023 Arrival-Jul 19 2023 Arrival-May 25 2024 Arrival-New-Jul-10-16-2023 Arrival-Sept 13 2023 Arrival-Sept 23 2023 Arrival_Jul 12 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Strategy Category_Wargames INV-B INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230723 Restock-20230828 Restock-20240414 Restock-20240616 Stock_Updates Year Published_2020s Default Title 50.95 2219 1775 2023-04-11T12:26:26-04:00 2023-04-11T12:26:26-04:00 Under the Southern Cross: The South American Republics in the Age of the Fighting Sail Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 59.95

Designer Mike Nagel
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 150-480 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Under the Southern Cross: The South American Republics in the Age of Fighting Sail is the fourth volume of the highly regarded Flying Colors series of games on naval combat. The focus is on the southern part of the South American continent: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, from the Wars of Independence starting in 1810 through the last naval war fought completely under sail between Argentina and Uruguay in 1841. These wars attracted naval officers recently unemployed by the end of the Napoleonic Wars as well as providing a proving ground for the first generation of naval heroes native to Latin America. 

Updated rules introduce river and tidal currents, modified grounding rules for operations in the Rio de la Plata and Uruguay rivers, and the use of ship’s boats to tow stranded or becalmed ships. In all, over two dozen battle scenarios ranging in size from a handful of ships per side, to full-blown fleet actions are presented. Also included is the return of the popular ship duel map and activation cards originally found in Serpents of the Seas (Flying Colors volume II), along with 18 ship duel scenarios. 

Like the preceding volumes in the series, Under the Southern Cross is completely independent of, while being fully compatible with, the other volumes in the series. Everything needed to play is included! 

Can you, as the Spanish, strangle the rebel American governments and preserve the centuries old Spanish Empire, or will you help the Patriot forces throw off the Imperialist yoke of the European monarchies? Now you can try with Under the Southern Cross!


2 22x34" Maps
2 Counter Sheets
Player Aid Chart
Deck of 55 Action Cards

(from GMT website)

2023-BF-Overstock-Restore Age_9+ Arrival-Aug 13 2023 Arrival-Aug 30 2023 Arrival-Dec 3 2023 Arrival-Feb 10 2024 Arrival-Jan 20 2024 Arrival-Jul 15 2023 Arrival-New-Jul-10-16-2023 Arrival_Jul 12 2024 Availability_In Stock BF-2023 BF-2023-Overstock-10 BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-U Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230730 Restock-20231203 Restock-20231210 Restock-20240623 Source_Import Games Year Published_2020s Default Title 59.95 2305 2266 2023-03-31T16:38:07-04:00 2023-03-31T16:38:07-04:00 People Power: Insurgency in the Philippines, 1981-1986 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 75.95

Designer Kenneth Tee
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-3
Playtime 90-120 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

People Power: Insurgency in the Philippines, 1983-1986 is volume XI of the highly-praised and popular COIN series originally designed by Volko Ruhnke. This is one of only two games in the COIN series that feature three separate factions, instead of the customary four.

The first faction is the Government, symbolized by the personal rule of Ferdinand Marcos, his wife Imelda, and his political cronies and military forces. Second are the Insurgents, split into two blocs – the communist New People’s Army (or NPA) and the Moro National Liberation Front (or MNLF but more commonly referred to as Moros). The NPA sought a national uprising from both the urban and rural populace, while the Moros wanted a separate nation founded on Islamic autonomy. The third and final faction is the non-violent Reformers, embodied by Aquino’s widow, Corazon. She, along with her allies and supporters in that moment of tragedy, revived a platform of social justice and unrelenting momentum that would irrevocably change the Philippine political landscape immeasurably.

For players new to the COIN Series, or for those looking to teach the the series to their friends, People Power will serve as an excellent introductory game. It was designed for simplicity and quick play, utilizing many of the basic COIN Series mechanics. The 22" x 17" map aids in introducing the game to a new player, as it presents only two types of terrain - Cities and Countrysides (where the latter amalgamates the rural settings of the island nation as well as much lightly-habitable terrain of jungles and mountains). Don't let the fast play and basic systems fool you, though. There are still plenty of strategic puzzles and inter-player backstabbing to be had! Also, People Power includes a new feature for the COIN Series - a Key Personality mini-hand procedure that represents the effectiveness of various generals and power brokers adding a new dimension to player actions and decisions. ]]>
Age_12+ Arrival-Aug 26 2023 Arrival-Jan 18 2024 Arrival-Jul 15 2023 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jul-10-16-2023 Arrival-Sept 23 2023 Arrival_Aug 30 2024 Arrival_Jul 7 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-P Non-TCG Players Maximum_3 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_90 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230716 Restock-20240519 Stock_Updates Year Published_2020s Default Title 75.95 2214 2531 2023-03-02T11:18:31-05:00 2023-03-02T11:18:31-05:00 Seas of Thunder Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 64.95

Designer Neal Cebulskie
Jeff Horger
Chuck Maher
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2-8
Playtime 180-3600 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

World War 2 was the largest and most violent extended naval war in history. From September 1939 until the surrender of Japan, the high seas were a global battle zone filled with mighty battleships, nimble cruisers, silent hunters, and flat-tops bristling with planes. Before our eyes, we witnessed the changing of warfare on the high seas as the thunderous old guard fell to air power and submarine Raiders prowled the open waters and the carrier showed its true diversity and adaptability.

Seas of Thunder not only allows players to re-create the Atlantic or Pacific theaters of the war but to see how challenging the entire picture was for their leaders. How do you protect a globe from German raiders? How desperate was it for Britain when France fell and they were left to fight Germany and Italy alone on the high seas? What is the right balance for the Soviet fleet split between four distinct fronts (Baltic, Black Sea, Arctic, and Pacific)? If the Mediterranean force weakens for the allies, from where do they draw ships? Does Japan strike quickly or play for attrition when they arrive on the halfway point? Will America fight in two fronts, three, or four?

In Seas of Thunder, players will experience the tension of too much sea to cover with too few ships, the frustration of being caught unprepared, or the intensity of a vital stand contesting a high-value sea area. Victory is neither sudden nor guaranteed. In each battle, a flight of Catalinas, the lack of ASW, the improper distribution of air power, or even a missing minesweeper could be the difference between success or failure.

What's in the Box

Seas of Thunder may not have every ship in the conflict, but it has the ones you know.

1 Mounted Map (Double-Sided with pre-Pearl Harbor scoring on one side and post-Pearl Harbor scoring on the other)

1200+ Combat Ship counters (Capital ships down to Destroyer Squadrons, Submarine Grops, and Mine-sweeping Flotillas)

132 Convoy & Utility counters

14 Port Cards (1 per side for each of 7 scenarios)

Combat Sequence Cards for tracking combat

Plus sundry dice, rules, scenario details...the usual.

Seas of Thunder is every bit a full-force strategic-level representation of the conflict on the high seas during World War 2. Players have to manage a global disposition of their warships with frequently too much ocean to cover and not nearly enough ships to cover it.

Each nation has access to the historical ships that sailed in the conflict. Each country's fleets have advantages and disadvantages that are unique to them.

—description from the publisher

Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 17 2023 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-Jun 18 2023 Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival-New-Jun-12-18-2023 Arrival-Sept 23 2023 Arrival_Jul 14 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames INV-M-Z INV-S Max Playtime_3600 Non-TCG Players Maximum_7 Players+ Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230625 Restock-20231022 Restock-20240211 Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2020s Default Title 64.95 2303 2417 2023-01-08T21:58:21-05:00 2023-01-08T21:58:21-05:00 Twilight Struggle Deluxe Ed. Card Set Accessories GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Accessories
Price: 14.95

Duplicate Card decks (Deluxe Edition) for Twilight Struggle

Arrival-Apr 25 2023 Arrival-Jan 13 2023 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-New-Jan-9-15-2023 Arrival_Jul 7 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Not-Set InCartUpSell-Ignore INV-ACC Non-TCG Product Type_Accessories Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20230212 Restock-20230319 Default Title 14.95 0510-16CD 565