booyakajuice 2024-07-02T10:11:28-04:00 booyakajuice 2024-07-02T10:11:28-04:00 2024-07-02T10:11:28-04:00 Virgin Queen (2nd Printing) Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 91.95

Designer Ed Beach
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2-6
Playtime 420 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up


Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598
 is a game of grand strategy for two to six players based on the military, political and religious conflicts within Europe during the reigns of Elizabeth I of England and Philip II of Spain. Each player controls one or more of the major powers that presided over European politics in that day. Spain is the juggernaut, able to draw upon the vast riches of their global empire. But such a dominant power is sure to have many enemies. The Ottoman expansion towards Spain's Mediterranean outposts remains unchecked. Elizabeth's English sea dogs are poised to raid Spain's overseas empire. And the forces of Protestant reform will soon drag Spain into eighty years of rebellion in the Netherlands. Will Spain find aid from its Catholic allies? Perhaps not from France, where the Catholic Valois dynasty is soon to engage another group of Protestant believers in the bloody French Wars of Religion. And even Philip's relatives in Vienna who rule the Holy Roman Empire may dabble in the Protestant faith instead of remaining loyal to their Catholic heritage and Spanish brethren.

The six powers in Virgin Queen are:

  • Ottoman
  • Spain
  • England
  • France
  • Holy Roman Empire
  • Protestants (Dutch & Huguenots)

Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559-1598 is the sequel to Here I Stand, another card-driven game of grand strategy that covered the previous forty years (from Martin Luther's posting of his 95 Theses in 1517 through the abdication of Charles V in 1556). Players familiar with Here I Stand will find much that is familiar in Virgin Queen as over half of the rule book remains unchanged. New game systems have been put in place to emphasize the changing nature of the conflicts here in the late 16th Century:

  • Religion: Streamlined from Here I Stand, the new rules for religious conversion and rebellion allow actions to be resolved quickly, reflecting the already entrenched presence of both Catholic and Protestant factions across the key areas of religious struggle.
  • World Map: Oceanic expeditions are now under direct player control as they sail to the Caribbean and beyond to seize plunder, found colonies, and attempt to circumnavigate the globe.
  • Diplomatic Influence: Alliances with minor powers (and major powers that can be activated in games with fewer than six players) are now made through a unified system where players buy influence at each of these foreign courts.
  • Weddings: Here I Stand’s secret negotiation phase is still present here in Virgin Queen, but with a new twist. Now you will want to arrange marriages for each of the princes and princesses of your family dynasty with a suitable foreign royal. Will even the Virgin Queen succumb to love and take a husband, or will she jilt that suitor at the last minute once again?
  • Patronage: Your royal court will be visited by artists, writers, scientists, and architects, who all want you to invest in their endeavors for the glory and advancement of the realm. Will you sponsor Galileo, Cervantes, or Shakespeare or instead spend your treasury on a fruitless quest for the Philosopher's Stone?
  • Espionage: Beware, there is also a dark side to this period – a time of espionage and spymasters. In Virgin Queen you can ask your ambassadors to spy on foreign courts, send out handgun-armed assassins, invest in cryptology, and even recruit Jesuit priests for undercover missions of conversion.

There are several different scenarios included allowing your play sessions to be tailored to the number of players and time available:

  • Two-Player Tutorial: Great for new players just learning the series, this 90-minute game pits the Ottomans against Spain during the time of the Siege of Malta and Battle of Lepanto. Uses a subset of the full rules so you can dive in quickly.
  • Campaign Scenario: The full Virgin Queen experience, this eight-hour game can last up to seven turns and is normally played with from 4 to six players. Variant rules allow you to play with just two or three players if desired.
  • Armada Scenario: A quicker game focused on Turns 3 to 6 of the full campaign, this 4 to 5-hour game is ideal for tournament play. Once again supports from 4 to 6 players.
Age_9+ Arrival_Aug 18 2024 Arrival_Aug 22 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Strategy Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-V Non-TCG Players Maximum_6 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 91.95 1201-24 3211 2023-04-11T12:30:15-04:00 2023-04-11T12:30:15-04:00 Border Reivers: Anglo-Scottish Border Raids, 1513-1603 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 89.95

Designer Ed Beach
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-6
Playtime 120-180 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

For two hundred years, war waged back and forth across the border between England and Scotland. By 1482, the unfortunate town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, once the richest port town in Scotland, had changed hands thirteen times. By the time Henry VIII ascended the throne of England in 1509, the fifty-mile-wide stretch of rolling hills and stunning vistas that straddle the border had seen decades of hardship and atrocity.

Yet still the hardy families living on these frontier lands persevered. Unable to count on crops surviving until the harvest, they subsisted primarily on the livestock they could shepherd in the fields near their homesteads. When supplies ran low, raiding to steal what they needed from their neighbors was often the answer. Raids were often carefully planned operations with several border families uniting to steal livestock from a common foe in the dead of night. Cattle and sheep were the likely targets, often with hundreds of these creatures being stolen in a single raid. The reiver’s goal was to herd their quarry to safety before the retaliatory “hot trod” pursuit could catch up and force an engagement.

To combat this constant hostility, England and Scotland established the system of March Law. Each nation divided its border lands into an East, Middle, and West March with each of these six territories administered by a Warden responsible for keeping the peace. The Wardens were drawn from the most powerful families on the Borders, clans of great renown that could put upwards of a thousand men in the saddle in times of need. The March Law would have succeeded too, but for the fact that these same great families were usually the ones best equipped and most inclined to raid their neighbors.

In Border Reivers, each player rules over one of the Marches as leader of one of the six major riding families of the border: Grey, Fenwick, Dacre, Maxwell, Kerr, or Hume. Your goal is to increase the wealth and fame of your clan throughout the reigns of Henry and Elizabeth to end the century as the most famous Border Reiver of all time. Players gain VPs from successful combats, amassing large herds of livestock, and by elevating their Notoriety above the other players in the regions of the map.

—description from the publisher

Age_9+ Arrival-Aug 30 2023 Arrival-Jul 15 2023 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-New-Jul-10-16-2023 Arrival_Jul 12 2024 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Thematic Category_Wargames INV-0-L INV-B Players Maximum_6 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20240609 Restock-20240721 Source_Import Games Year Published_2020s Default Title 89.95 2218 3211 2013-10-26T19:19:41-04:00 2013-10-26T19:19:41-04:00 Here I Stand 500th Anniversary Upgrade Kit Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 19.95

Enhancements include:


  • 6 brand new cards added to the deck, including Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell, Rough Wooing, and Imperial Coronation.
  • Revisions to over 15 existing cards including Copernicus, Master of Italy, and Machiavelli to allow for more exciting in-game play and additional possibilities for diplomatic deals.
  • A new Chateau construction table is now used to resolve France's Patron of the Arts home card plays.
  • Several Virgin Queen rule updates are incorporated back into Here I Stand, affecting minor power activation, piracy, space trading, and foreign wars.

    This update kit is designed for owners of the 1st or 2nd printings of Here I Stand who don't want an entire new game, but would like to only update their game with the new components. This upgrade kit includes:


  • new card decks
  • a card of updated charts,
  • six new power cards,
  • a half sheet of new counters
  • the new rules and scenario books.

    We hope you enjoy this cool new edition of Here I Stand via either the full new boxed game or the upgrade kit!

    • ]]>
      Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Not-Set Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-0-L INV-H Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Sale Type_Regular Default Title 19.95 100800-3 754 2013-10-26T19:19:41-04:00 2013-10-26T19:19:41-04:00 Here I Stand (500th Anniversary) (Second Printing) Board Games GMT Games

      Vendor: GMT Games
      Type: Board Games
      Price: 89.95

      Designer Ed Beach
      Publisher GMT Games
      Players 2-6
      Playtime 360 mins
      Suggested Age 12 and up

      Enhancements include:

      • 6 brand new cards added to the deck, including Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell, Rough Wooing, and Imperial Coronation.
      • Revisions to over 15 existing cards including Copernicus, Master of Italy, and Machiavelli to allow for more exciting in-game play and additional possibilities for diplomatic deals.
      • A new Chateau construction table is now used to resolve France's Patron of the Arts home card plays.
      • Several Virgin Queen rule updates are incorporated back into Here I Stand, affecting minor power activation, piracy, space trading, and foreign wars.

        For those of you who already have a P500 order in for the Reprint Edition of Here I Stand, your order is still good - you'll just be getting an upgraded version of the game for the same P500 price. And for those of you who want to order it on P500, we're keeping the same pricing as the previous reprint version, but giving you more value! So order away!

        For those of you who already own the game and don't want an entire new game, but would like to only update the new components, we are also offering a Here I Stand 500th Anniversary Edition Upgrade Kit for $35 Retail and $25 P500 pricing (+ shipping) that will allow owners of the existing game to enjoy this updated new version. The upgrade kit will include new card decks, a card of updated charts, six new power cards, a half sheet of new counters, and the new rules and scenario books.

        We hope you enjoy this cool new edition of Here I Stand via either the full new boxed game or the upgrade kit!

        Game Components:

        • COUNTERS Four and a half full-color counter sheets
        • CARDS 116 Strategy Cards
        • MAPS One 22"x34" Mounted Mapsheet
        • Player Aid Cards (11"x17" & 8.5"x11")
        • Rules/Scenario Book
        • One ten-sided die


        • Charles S. Roberts Award for Best Pre-World War II boardgame, 2006.
        • Walter Luc Haas Award (Germany) for Best Simulation Game, 2006.
        • Finalist, International Gamers Award for Historical Simulation, 2007.
        • Finalist, The Boardgamegeek, Golden Geek Award for Best Wargame 2007.
        • Nominee, Game Magazine for Historical Simulation Game, 2007.


      PUBLISHED: 2006,2010
      DESIGNER: Ed Beach
      ART DIRECTOR: Rodger B. MacGowan
      MAP & CARD ART: Mark Simonitch
      COUNTER ART: Mark Simonitch and Rodger B. MacGowan
      PRODUCERS: Gene Billingsley, Tony Curtis, Andy Lewis, Rodger MacGowan, Mark Simonitch


        Age_9+ Arrival-Jun 21 2024 Arrival_Aug 18 2024 Arrival_Aug 30 2024 Arrival_Aug 9 2024 Arrival_Jul 21 2024 Arrival_Jul 7 2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-H Non-TCG Players Maximum_6 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Stock_Updates Year Published_2000s Default Title 89.95 100800 0512-24 3400