booyakajuice 2022-08-11T11:50:23-04:00 booyakajuice 2022-08-11T11:50:23-04:00 2022-08-11T11:50:23-04:00 Lineup Board Games CUT Games

Vendor: CUT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 29.95

Designer David Malki
Nate Murray
Nate Weisman
Publisher CUT Games
Players 2-8
Playtime 30-45 mins
Suggested Age 13 and up

The Lineup is set and it’s time for you to identify your friends!

In Lineup, you’ll be asking the group questions that have a numeric answer. Then, you’ll create a lineup of your friends based on how you think they’ve answered! The most accurate predictor wins!

Lineup is based off the smash-hit CUT show with over 1.2 billion views to date!

—description from the publisher

Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 17 2022 Arrival-Jun 10 2023 Arrival-New-Sept-12-18-2022 Arrival-Sept 14 2022 Arrival-Sept 24 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Party Google-True INV-0-L INV-L Players Maximum_7 Players+ Players Minimum_4 Players Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220918 Restock-20221127 Restock-20230604 Restock-20231210 Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2020s Default Title 29.95 CUTLINEUP 1132 2022-03-05T17:12:21-05:00 2022-03-05T17:12:21-05:00 TBH: The Game of Honest Answers to Outrageous Questions Board Games CUT Games

Vendor: CUT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 32.95

Designer David Malki
Nate Weisman
Publisher CUT Games
Players 3-8
Playtime 60-120 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

TBH is a game about creating absurd dilemmas, and then predicting how the other players will react to them. Points are awarded for guessing the other players' responses correctly. The game consists of various cards, a Player Board for each player, and a score tracker board.

One player is the Dilemma Boss, and chooses two cards from the deck of prompts. They choose one to ask the rest of the group. The other players then respond with follow-up questions, to try and define the parameters of the hypothetical situation.

The Dilemma Boss gets to make up any answers they like about the situation. In this way, the round becomes a type of group storytelling exercise.

Once all players are satisfied that they know how to respond to the dilemma, everyone answers for themselves secretly on their own Player Board, and also plays a limited number of Guess Cards on other players' boards.

Upon the reveal, explanations are given, and correct guesses earn points. The number of points scales with how many other players guessed on the same person.

The game is created and published by, creators of Truth or Drink and Fear Pong.

-description from publisher

2023-LD 2023-LD-20 Age_12+ Arrival-Dec 10 2022 Arrival-Jun 18 2022 Arrival-Mar-14-20-2022 Arrival-Oct 29 2022 Availability_In Stock BF-2023 BF-2023-45 BGG-Set INV-G INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_7 Players+ Players Minimum_3 Players Playtime Maximum_120 Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220307 Restock-20220605 Restock-20221016 Restock-20221127 Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2020s Default Title 32.95 CUT009 1245 2022-01-13T13:40:28-05:00 2022-01-13T13:40:28-05:00 Keep It 100 Board Games CUT Games

Vendor: CUT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 31.95

Designer David Malki
Nate Murray
Nate Weisman
Publisher CUT Games
Players 2-8
Playtime 45-60 mins
Suggested Age 17 and up

Of 100 bodybuilders that we polled, how many do you think said “yes” to the question “Do you drink more than 3 alcoholic drinks a week?" 25%? 50%? Higher? More importantly: is the number of bodybuilders who said yes HIGHER or LOWER than the number of 100 romance novel readers who said they believed in love at first sight?

In Keep It 100, up to eight players take turns looking at survey questions, and trying to predict how different types of people answered – how many said yes or no.

On your turn, you’ll take on the role of Slider, guessing WHERE your question cards slide into the ever-growing line of questions and answers. Will the hidden numbers on your cards be higher or lower than the numbers already in front of you?

Players win the game by correctly playing their survey cards into a lineup of other cards on the table. For example, if the line currently features cards with answers of 22, 44, and 75. The active player must correctly guess where the card from the hand would slot in that line of answers without actually knowing how many people said "yes" to their survey first.

The fun’s not limited to just one person. Each round, all the other players ALSO predict whether or not the Slider’s guesses are correct.

The free-for-all fun ends when all the cards are played and all the points are tallied, to see who’s REALLY kept it 100 (or more)!

Age_15+ Arrival-Apr 6 2022 Arrival-Dec 25 2022 Arrival-Jun 2 2022 Arrival-Mar-14-20-2022 Arrival-New-Mar-14-20-2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set INV-0-L INV-K Players Maximum_7 Players+ Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_60 Minutes Playtime Minimum_45 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220327 Restock-20220515 Restock-20221212 Restock-20230806 Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2020s Default Title 31.95 CUT005 1208 2015-12-29T06:58:00-05:00 2015-12-29T06:58:00-05:00 Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination Board Games TopatoCo

Vendor: TopatoCo
Type: Board Games
Price: 29.95

Publisher TopatoCo
Players 2-4
Playtime 30 mins
Suggested Age 15 and up
Expansion Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination – Side Effects

Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination is a storytelling game set in a world in which a machine can predict how a person will die with 100% accuracy with only a small blood sample. However, the machine delights in being vague and twisted. A card reading "Old Age" could mean you die in your sleep at age 120, or it could mean you're run over tomorrow by an elderly driver who forgot to take his pills today. Players of the game take the role of assassins, who must use the various tools at their disposal -- from storytelling to a slew of items available from specialty Black Market shops -- to create a situation in which a target is killed in a way in line with their Death Prediction. The Machine of Death Game uses this basic idea, of assassins working in a world were cause of death is known to create various game modes.

The General Gameplay of most modes works like this:

  • A target is assigned, and given certain details (including Death Prediction, and extra Intel details, such as things they particularly like or dislike – to help predict their behavior).
  • Players – assassins – are given Black Market Gift Cards. These are the items they are allowed to use in order to accomplish their goal: killing the target.
  • Players use the Gift Cards to devise a plan. Each Black Market card provides an item to be used in an Action. Three actions should chain together in some way that results in the death of the target.
  • The plan is greenlit, either by a Chief player, or via consensus, depending on game mode.
  • The timer starts and the plan is put into action. This is represented by dice rolling to beat a "difficulty score." An unlikely plan hinging on a single item may need to roll a 6 for that Action, but a rock-solid intricate plan may need to only roll a 2 for each card.
  • The skull face on the die also adds a frantic element (replacing the 1 face, if the skull is rolled it prompts the flipping of a Fate Cointo add additional randomness).
  • In case of failure of any die roll, that Action didn't work, and the plan must be revised. While the timer continues running, the assassins draw a new Black Market item, amending their previous plan and rolling for a new Action. They may also call in "Specialists", who are characters with special skills (earned in previous rounds).
  • If any three Actions are successful before the timer runs out, the target is killed. With the remaining time, the players may roll forAftermath tasks (such as fleeing the scene or destroying the evidence). Completion of these tasks earns Specialist cards to be used in later rounds. This is the only way to replenish the group's overall Budget of playable cards.
  • If the timer runs out before three Actions are completed, the target escapes. This is the end of the round.
  • In the published rules, this also ends the game. This rule was subsequently revised, allowing players to make another attempt on the same target, or take the loss and move on to additional targets. Hard-core players may end the game at this point.
  • The team wins if they can accomplish four successful kills before their total Budget of Black Market cards are exhausted.


Game Variants:

  • Chief Mode is where one player takes on the gamemaster role of the Chief, answering questions and deciding on the difficulty of the plan being created by the other players. Groups of 4 or more work best in this mode. In groups of 2-3 players, each player states their opinion, and the hardest value is the one used.
  • Psychopath is similar to Cards Against Humanity or Apples to Apples. Each player holds a hand of Death Prediction cards that represent hostages. One psychopath announces a murder weapon (based on a drawn Black Market card), and players each toss in the hostage they believe will be most likely to be killed by that weapon. Designed for 4+ players.
  • Speed Round is faster-paced and useful for introducing players to the death prediction concept. One Chief presents the Death Prediction Card of an assassination target, and players rush to play a Black Market or Specialist card that they think can kill the person in the predicted way. The Chief assigns a difficulty value to the fastest player's proposed plan, and the player rolls to see if they can pull it off. If they do, they earn that Death Prediction Card as a point; if they fail, another player may propose a plan.
  • Mechanical Chief uses 14 regular playing cards to replace the subjective judgments of the Chief. Each Black Market card is dealt with a playing card, the value of which is kept hidden until the die is about to be rolled. This variant is good for faster play, and directs discussions toward justifying the revealed values within the story, rather than debating the merits of various plans.
  • Teams is useful for very large groups. The players split into two rival assassination teams, and alternate attacking targets, with a single Chief moderating. Teams operate under spelling bee elimination rules (one team's failure, followed by the victory of the other, results in the first team's elimination). A target that a team fails to kill must then be attempted by the other team, and a continuous narrative persists throughout the entire game.
Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Party Google-True INV-M INV-M-Z Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_30 Minutes Playtime Minimum_30 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 29.95 10955324289 1132