booyakajuice 2021-11-30T11:40:26-05:00 booyakajuice 2021-11-30T11:40:26-05:00 2021-11-30T11:40:26-05:00 Absolute War! The Russian Front 1941-45 Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 59.95

Designer Carl Paradis
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playing Time 60-240 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

From the publisher's website:
"After tackling the Russian Front with the first game of the No Retreat! Series, wargamer and designer Carl Paradis revisits this fascinating campaign with: "Absolute War! - The Russian Front 1941-45". This two-player wargame recreates the titanic struggle between the invading armies of Nazi Germany versus the Soviet Union in a fresh new way. This new approach is even faster and easier to play - making it perfect for introducing new gamers to the hobby.
The design emphasis has been placed on making the game very player-friendly and manageable in its level of scope, difficulty and time of play. With a very low total counter count and density, this quick playing (while still realistic) simulation presents players with deep strategy meriting contemplation. A system of map areas has been adopted and movement has been streamlined. Combat is handled by the two decks of cards (one German and one Soviet) - meaning no combat tables or dice to roll. These cards are the crux of the game system offering even more variety than regular Combat Result Tables. Like in “No Retreat!” they are used to generate events and special game abilities (ex: Major Offensives, Partisan Raids, Siege Artillery, Increased Replacements, etc…) and now also effortlessly resolve all battle outcomes. The set-up for a campaign or a scenario will be lightning fast: in less than 10-15 minutes you can get the game going! This high degree of re-playability means that it will reward players' experience with increased skill.

"Absolute War! The Russian Front 1941-45" will put emphasis on strategic planning - not tedious hex maneuvering or factor-counting to attain the “perfect” attack. Most of the time-consuming calculations will be taken care of effortlessly by the game engine, letting you concentrate instead on exercising your generalship skills against your opponent. Area-movement will provide the proper feel of sweeping maneuvers, exploitation and encirclements across the vast steppes and forests of Russia. The grueling city sieges will be represented by allowing local battles to unfold, with sometimes both foes occupying and battling in the same critical map areas. With a simple – yet effective - economic model, players will also feel the growing might and sophistication of the Soviet Red Army and the degradation of the once-invincible German Wehrmacht over the epic four years that this merciless campaign was fought on the soil of “Mother Russia”.

Victory conditions are simple and to the point: you have to capture as many of the ten map objectives to force a campaign decision. While destroying the foe’s armies will also help in this endeavor, some event cards will also provide short-term goals to accomplish - gaining players’ special game advantages if met.

Neither side can afford to show mercy to their hated foe in this life-or-death conflict, you are in command in the largest and most grueling campaign the world has ever seen. War is hell, and this is Absolute War!
Four Quick-Playing Scenarios plus a Campaign Game:
  • Barbarossa, 1941 : The initial assault on the Soviet Union. Can the Germans take Leningrad and Moscow before “General Winter” freezes the German war machine dead in its tracks?
  • Fall Blau & Operation Saturn, 1942 : The Offensive towards the Caucasus Oil Fields, and the Nazis disastrous rendezvous with destiny at Stalingrad . Or…maybe the OKH will decided to strike north again at the Soviet Capital?
  • Operation Zitadelle, 1943: Hitler’s last chance at getting a “victory” of sorts in the East after last winter disaster in the south. It’s a do-or-die proposition for the Germans, as the Red Army can finally fight on equal terms. Will Kursk be the tombstone of the Panzers?
  • Operation Bagration, 1944: The Soviet summer offensive that finally broke the back of the Wehrmacht, and made the Normandy landings look like a mere scuffle. Will you finally expel the hated foe enemies from their last foothold in Mother Russia?

Absolute War Campaign game: From Operation Barbarossa in 1941 to the aftermath of Bagration in 1944. The whole conflict up to the gates of Germany is played out in dramatic fashion.
Playing time: Approximately 3 - 4 hours for a full campaign game, 1- 2 hours for the Shorter Scenarios.
Scale: Each unit is one Army/Front: Each area is about 200 kilometers from side to side. Each turn represents two months of real time."

Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 28 2022 Arrival-Nov 17 2022 Arrival-Oct 7 2022 Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-A Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220918 Restock-20230319 Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2020s Default Title 59.95 2103 1901 2020-04-22T22:29:21-04:00 2020-04-22T22:29:21-04:00 The Barbarossa Campaign Board Games Victory Point Games

Vendor: Victory Point Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 57.95

Designer Alan Emrich
Gary Graber
Carl Paradis
Publisher Victory Point Games
Players 1
Suggested Age 14 and up

You, Alone, and The Russian Front

The Barbarossa Campaign recalls the titanic struggle on the Russian Front of World War II as no other wargame has presented it before – as a story filled with drama and pathos using a novel new solitaire gaming system that puts you, the Axis Player, in command facing momentous events – some- times history’s master, and at other times its pawn.

Featuring a dynamic game engine, where you must attempt to collapse the Soviet Union against all odds – where the cunning strategies you devise while directing your panzer thrusts eastward or offering fanatical resistance as the Red Army pushes relentlessly back, you will bask in a fresh, new retelling of this epic story each time the game is played.

Plumb the possibilities offered in The Barbarossa Campaign where myriad historical “What ifs?” are constantly explored and where you will be swept away by the ebb and flow of vast battles that can be swiftly mastered after encountering rules of only moderate difficulty. It is time to revel in your hobby again with this fast-moving, innovative Russian Front wargame built for fun and enjoy the “story” in history afresh every time you play it.

Game Data:

Number of Players: 1
Ages: 14 and up
Playing Time: scenarios are approximately 35 minutes each; a full campaign game takes approximately 3-4 hours
Complexity: 5.5 on a 9 scale
Solitaire Suitability: 9 on a 9 scale
Scale: Each unit is 1 to 2 Axis Corps or 1 to 2 Soviet Armies; each hex is 90 miles and each turn is 1 season (3 months) of real time

Game Components:

• One 16-page, color instructions booklet
• One 2-page sample game turn
• One 11" x 25.5" color map
• 5 Scenario set up displays
• 3 Economic display mats
• 1 Events table card
• 100 color, die-cut two-sided 1/2" square pieces
• 40 color, die-cut 5/8" square pieces
• 90 color, die-cut 1/2" round pieces
• 56 color, die-cut 5/8" round pieces
• 40 Event cards


Game Design: Gary W. Graber
Additional Design and Development: Alan Emrich with Carl Paradis
Graphics: Alan Emrich
Map: Tim Allen
Documentation Layout: Alan Emrich
Playtesting: Paul Aceto, Terry Colman, Vince DeNardo, David Ells, Tully McKinley, Kim Meints, Mick Mickelsen, Peter Rixon, and Norm Stweart
Proofreading: Bill Barrett, Judy Krauss, Jon Matthews, and Gary Sonnenberg

1-Player-Only Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-B INV-M-Z INV-T NewProduct Players Maximum_1 Player Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_45 Minutes Playtime Minimum_45 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 57.95 17332479623219 2190 2018-01-01T23:18:28-05:00 2018-01-01T23:18:28-05:00 No Retreat 3: The French and Polish Fronts Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 58.95

Designer Carl Paradis
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime  180 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Following on the success of No Retreat! where the Russian Front of World War II beckons, and then taking the action to the African Front, game designer Carl Paradis and his trusty developer Alan Emrich have teamed up yet again to present the third chapter in this game series, No Retreat 3: The French & Polish Fronts.

The “Phony War” ended in May of 1940 as the German Army unleashed blitzkrieg attacks into Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg in preparation for their audacious plan to invade France. Dubbed “Case Yellow” (Fall Gelb), it relied on a surprise attack with armored forces through the Ardennes Forest that the French had deemed impenetrable. A German staff study proved otherwise, and their panzers were pushed through this broken wooded terrain with deft speed, catching the Allies by surprise with their appearance.
In No Retreat 3, players command the Allied (French and British) or German forces, operating them in accordance to one of several historical plans (represented by Plan cards). Manoeuvring forces over hexes that are approximately 30 kilometers across, over turns that represent 4 days of real time each, the vaunted No Retreat series card-assisted game systems are there to create on-map puzzles around each hex, unit and battle as the tense engagements rage back-and-forth and nothing is entirely predictable.

Designer Carl Paradis has made an exhaustive study to answer the question, “Could France have staved off total defeat in 1940?” His research yields a resounding, “Yes!,” and the simulation elements of No Retreat 3, combined with its novel gameplay elements, offer a rich and insightful presentation of this controversial military campaign that shaped the trajectory of World War II.

Bonus Game
But wait, there is more! For this deluxe edition, complete with a 2-sided mounted map and oversized counters, the 1939 Polish Campaign was also added.

This little-simulated battle will see many new concepts implemented into the “No Retreat!” game system. Given that both sides had never seen battle before and the units were mostly untried and green, a “Fog of War” game system is in use, adding much replayability to this simulation. Since that this game is fast, a complete contest will consist of two plays, with each gamer taking both sides in turn, trying to best the opponent’s performance. Some intriguing “what if” hypothetical historical options are also added: Could have France intervened more effectively, the USSR acted differently? What if Czechoslovakia was never taken over by the Nazis? Poland better prepared? All these and more are yours to try out. No Retreat!

French Front Scenario Listing
Regular Game: The May/June 1940 campaign, but with an added twist. Both players will draw/choose a “Campaign Plan Card” that will instruct them as to their general objectives. There are over 6 different cards from each side, all taken from actual historical plans; the success of which will add critical Victory Points if the game does not end in “Sudden death”. What if Hitler had attacked in winter 1939 like initially planned? Or the French Air Force had been better prepared?
Historical Game: The May/June 1940 campaign, but with the Plan choices limited to the more historically plausible alternatives.
Simulation Game: Both sides will be given the plans/set-up used during the actual campaign. Fall Gelb no5 for the Germans, Plan Dyle A or B for the French. The game also starting with the offensive already underway, Liege taken and Holland invaded.
Operation Dynamo: In this scenario the German “Sickle cut” maneuverer towards the sea is almost completed! As the Allies, will you be able to save the British expeditionary Corps, evacuating it at Dunkirk, or even better, pierce the enemy lines and re-join the main French Army down south?

Polish Front Scenario Listing
Regular Game: The September 1939 campaign, but with extra choices. Both players will secretly deploy most of their troops on smaller strategic maps. One side or the other could have some extra “initiative” choices for the deployment of their troops.
Historical Game: The September 1939 campaign, with the exact historical set-ups of both forces. For this contest the players will take each side in turns. So the scenario will be played two times.
Alternative History game: Players will explore many “what-if” alternatives. Some randomly determined, some planned by choice. That scenario will be linked to the French Front game and its outcome can affect the set-up of the latter.

One 22x18 Mapboard (mounted and two-sided, one side for France, the other Poland)
One sheet of 88, 2-sided square units
One sheet of 112, 2-sided round/hex markers.
One rule book (24 pages)
One Scenario Book (24 pages)
Five Play-aid cards
55 Event Cards (37 for France, 18 for Poland)
Two 6-sided dice

Number of Players : 2

Ages: 14 and up

Playing time: Approximately 50 minutes for each scenario; 3 to 4 hours for a campaign game, 2 hours for the Poland mini-game.

Scale: Each unit is one Army or Corps: Each hex is about 30 kilometers from side to side. Each turn represents four days of real time, except the first turn, which is only two days.

Age_12+ Arrival-Jul 14 2022 Arrival-Mar 17 2023 Arrival-May 7 2022 Arrival-Sept 22 2022 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-N Non-TCG Players Maximum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220314 Restock-20220530 Restock-20220811 Restock-20230212 Year Published_2010s Default Title 58.95 1716 1347 2017-01-25T22:28:00-05:00 2017-01-25T22:28:00-05:00 No Retreat! The Russian Front Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 59.95

Designer Carl Paradis
Publisher GMT Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 360 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Honors 2012 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee
2011 Origins Awards Best Historical Board Game Nominee
2011 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee
2011 Charles S. Roberts Best World War 2 Era Board Wargame Winner
2011 Charles S. Roberts Best World War 2 Era Board Wargame Nominee
2011 Charles S. Roberts Best Board Game Graphics Nominee

(from GMT's website:)

No Retreat: The Russian Front is a new deluxe edition of the two-player Victory Point Games 2008 CSR Award Nominee wargame that retells the story of the titanic struggle between the invading armies of Nazi Germany versus Communist Russia during WW2 at a player-friendly and manageable level of scope and difficulty. This edition combines both the original game and its two extensions (Na Berlin! and No Surrender!) using deluxe components of “Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition” quality. With only 40 Army/Front sized counters for the Tournament game, and 70 for the whole campaign, and with very low stacking, it’s a quick-playing yet realistic affair that favours the strategic and offensive-minded player.

Each turn is alight with intriguing on-board challenges plus the surprise of card hand Events as players vie to win in one of three different ways.

In a skillfully blended collation of classic hex-based wargaming and modern card-driven simulations, No Retreat: The Russian Front stays truly story-centric, providing the proper feel of sweeping maneuvers, exploitation and encirclements across the vast steppes and forests of Russia. With a simple-yet-innovative economic model, players will also feel the growing might and sophistication of the Russian’s Red Army, and the degradation of the once-invincible German Wehrmacht, over the epic four year sweep of time that this merciless campaign was fought.

Neither side can afford the disgrace of yielding an inch of ground to their hated foe, so your orders are: “No Retreat!”


One Standard size mounted map
Two Counter Sheets
One deck of 55 Playing Cards
Rule booklet
Scenario booklet
Player Aid Cards
Two 6-sided dice (1 black and 1 white)

TIME SCALE: 2 months per turn
MAP SCALE: 100km / 60 miles per hex
UNIT SCALE: Armies and Fronts

DESIGNER: Carl Paradis
DEVELOPER: Alan Emrich & Carl Paradis
COUNTER ART: Mark Simonitch & Carl Paradis
MAP ART: Mark Simonitch

2-Players-Only Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 100 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 200 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-N Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 59.95 30793009805 2266 2015-09-06T01:02:00-04:00 2015-09-06T01:02:00-04:00 No Retreat 4: The Italian Front Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 59.95

Designer Carl Paradis
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2-3
Playtime 300 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Following on the success of No Retreat! Where the Russian Front of World War II beckons, and then taking the action to the African Front, and then the French Front, game designer Carl Paradis presents the fourth chapter in this game series, No Retreat 4: The Italian Front.

This game will be using a mix of all the previous No Retreat! game concepts/systems, including some from the solitaire module, to depict this long and gruelling campaign with the minimum of fuss and the fastest possible play time. Each turn will represent one or two months (depending on the weather), but not every Turn will see major action! So during Frontline lulls very little combat, if any, will take place but for frontline attrition, so these turns will pass in a speedy manner. When a side decide to go on the offensive then that specific turn will see a series of moves/combat/activations (like was done for NR2); using a variant of the regular No Retreat “Target/Counterblow” rules and markers. The important sea invasions will be shown in great detail, the German fortified positions also, and the long set-pieces battles (like Cassino or Anzio) will be represented correctly without bogging down game play. Like in NR3 “Secret Campaign Plans” will make an appearance, with players vying to attain special high command objectives, thus getting bonus victory points if the game does not end in an early “Sudden Death” and continues to the bitter end.

To make the play surface more easy to use, the long Italian peninsula will be represented by a series of separate maps each showing a part of the battleground. As the frontline moves north or south, players will switch the “play map” map to show the actual areas of operations, thus saving a lot of table space. It will also be possible under certain circumstances for players to actually change sides in the game (keeping their accumulated Victory points): Thus both will be able to get the chance to be on the “attacking side” if wished for; historically the Germans were mostly on the defensive. The Event card system will also be changed a bit, with each card allowing multiple possible effects/events: all the cards will be useful, even when the main event cannot be used because of Strategic Initiative.

Bonus Game
But wait, there is more! For this deluxe edition, the Invasion of Sicily will be added as a separate mini-game. Very fast-playing, and will be an excellent learning or tournament game; that can be also linked to the main campaign game. Could the Axis have delayed the Allies longer on the island? And what if only a token holding attack was made, with the main landings a short while later on the mainland? Or Sicily completely bypassed altogether?

Italian Front Scenario Listing
Regular Game: The 1943/45 full campaign. Both players will choose a “Campaign Plan” that will instruct them as to their general objectives; there is a chance that one could also be imposed by the game system in case of failure! A players’ “switch of sides” could also occur because of the plans or player’s will. The outcome of the Sicily mini-game can be linked to this scenario. Players can also change the Strength of the Armies and rate of reinforcements
Historical Game: The 1943/45 full campaign, but with the Plan choices limited to the more historically plausible alternatives. No switch of sides can occur. The Sicily mini-game is not used.
Short Early game: The first part of the 1943/45 campaign. Only the Southern Italian maps will be used, and the game will end in Early 1944 (historically after the Anzio invasion petered out).
Short Late game: The second part of the 1943/45 campaign. Only the Northern Italian maps will be used, and the game will Start where the previous “Early game” scenario stops, and continues until the end of the war in 1945..
Sicily Game: This mini-game can be played “stand alone” or linked to the Regular Game Scenario. It also makes for an excellent fast-playing Tournament scenario.

Two 22x18 Mapboards (mounted and two-sided)
One sheet of 88, 2-sided square units
One sheet of 112, 2-sided round/hex markers.
One rule book (24 pages)
One Scenario Book (24 pages)
Five Play-aid cards
55 Event Cards
Two 6-sided dice

Number of Players: 2

Ages: 14 and up

Playing time: 6 to 8 hours for a campaign game, 1 1/2 hours for the Sicily mini-game, 3 hours for the Short games.

Scale: Each unit is one Division or Corps: Each hex is about 20 kilometers from side to side. Each turn represents one or two months of real time, with 1-week sub-turns during major offensives.

Rules Change (stacking):

[13.3.2] Stacking Color Restrictions:
• German (gray) and Italian units (green) cannot stack
together. Exception: German round KG (Kampfgruppe) units
can stack with Italian units.

Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-N Max Playtime_780 Players Maximum_3 Players Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 59.95 6385567233 2266 2015-06-08T18:44:00-04:00 2015-06-08T18:44:00-04:00 No Retreat! The North African Front Board Games GMT Games

Vendor: GMT Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 58.95

Designer Carl Paradis
Publisher GMT Games
Players 2
Playtime 180 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

Following on the success of No Retreat: The Russian Front, where the Russian Front of World War II beckons, Victory Point Games' dynamic duo of game designer Carl Paradis and his trusty developer Alan Emrich have teamed up again to present the second chapter in this game series, No Retreat: The North African Front. This time they take the gaming action to the African Front, from the start of Operation Compass on 8 December 1940, through 1942 to the eviction of the Axis from Libya.

Building on the notion of a card assisted game and death-or-glory victory conditions, No Retreat: The North African Front offers a narrative game rich in the feel for the ebb-and-flow of the campaign, wrapped around an exciting maneuver and combat system that harkens back to the glory days of classic wargaming, but includes all the modern features and plenty of innovations. Unlike other North Africa wargames, there are 5 "mini-maps" located at the various termini of maneuver in the campaign, and where battles are waged as fascinating "mini-games" in their own right. Players try to sweep each map and force the action onto the next one in an effort to push their opponent out of the game.

This Deluxe Edition combines both the original game, featuring Five quick-playing scenarios, a Tournament Game, a Full-Fledged Campaign game, and a Bonus "Invasion of Crete" mini-game, all using deluxe components of "Twillight Struggle Deluxe Edition" quality.

The looming Malta factor is accounted for most assiduously. While abstracted into many aspects of the game, players must always be mindful of Malta being made active (helping the Allies) or inactive (assisting the Axis). The Italian forces have their rightful place in the story unfolding on the game board, and the remarkable paucity of units turns every counter and hex into the kind of wargaming puzzle reminiscent of the glory days of those great contests from the Avalon Hill General magazine.

The use of Supply Point markers, received in a fast, hassle-free way, to seize the initiative, replace losses and recover shattered formations, to light up a map and begin operations there (i.e., conduct player turns on it of maneuver and combat), and then to continue those player turns for another round. Each additional round of player turns must be paid for by another Supply Point, usually spent by the side that feels it is advantageous to press on and keep the opponent hard pressed, recreating simply and effectively the lulls and starts in battlefield operations that were a signature of this campaign.

The desert lies before you and World War II is at stake. You must endure and prevail under the most surprising and grueling of circumstances, for there is No Retreat!

Bonus Game

No Retreat: The Invasion of Crete
This Bonus mini-game will allow you to refight the first airborne invasion in history, during May 1941. Each player will fight to gain or maintain control of the Island's critical 3 airfields. Time is of the essence here as each contestant has to manage his limited ressources in a life-or-death contest where neither has space to Retreat! This is a very intense knife-fight that can be very well be decided in the few first days, while the German Airborne force is most vulnerable, or could turn into a desperate rear-guard action, as the hard-pressed Allied troops try to escape the island. An innovative pre-game set-up planning procedure, and Airborne Landing rules, will insure that no two games play the same.

Scenario Listing:

  • Operation Compass, 1940: The British surprise offensive against the unprepared Italians in Lybia, pushing them back over 300 miles and capturing 115,000 prisoners! This scenario makes an excellent tutorial due to its low unit density. It is essentially a race game, with the Allies rushing to reach Map 2 and win the game there.
  • Operation Sunflower, 1941: Rommel arrives in Africa with the 21st Panzer Division and begins operations to roll back the recent Allied advances, thanks to the withdrawal of their best troops to fight in Greece. Can you capture the important Port/Fortress of Tobruk, or will you to be stopped by the tenacious Australians?
  • Operation Crusader, 1941: The importance of Tobruk and pressure from Malta on the Axis convoy routes to Africa caused both sides to fully commit to winning the war in the western desert during the British all-out attack to relieve the siege of the embattled Fortress. It's a wild free-for all battle, where speed of manoeuvre is all-important.
  • Operation Venezia, 1942: After capturing Tobruk in this operation and routing the Allied forces in the desert (and the cancellation of the Malta Invasion), the German High Command sends resources to help Rommel’s exhausted forces race to Egypt. Can the forces of the Commonwealth hold the line at El-Alamein, or will the Afrika Corps reach Alexandria and the Suez Canal?
  • Operation Lightfoot 1942: The last-ditch defence of Egypt and the resulting stalemate at El Alamein was finally turned to victory for the Allies as Monty’s overwhelming force pushed back the depleted and badly-supplied Axis Divisions. Or maybe Rommel will be able again to outmanoeuvre the British foe, and turn this battle of attrition into another of his famous victories?
  • A Tournament Scenario 1941: For players that have time to play more than a scenario, but not enough for the full-fledged campaign game. Action starts with the first Rommel Attack of Operation Sunflower, and continues until Operation Crusader the end of 1941. Can the British keep Tobruk and Beghazi, or will the scenario end in an historical stalemate around Gazala?


  • One 22x18 Mapboard & two 11x18 Mapboards (all mounted and two-sided)
  • One sheet of 88, 2-sided square units - One sheet of 56, 2-sided round markers.
  • One rule book (24 pages)
  • One Scenario Book (24 pages)
  • 55 Event Cards (36 for NR2!, 19 for Crete)
  • Two 6-sided dice


Number of Players: 2
Ages: 14 and up
Playing Time: approximately 50 minutes for each scenario; 4 to 5 hours for a campaign game; 60 to 90 minutes tor the Crete mini-game.
Scale NR2: German & Allied units are Divisions (8-10,000 men), Italian units are Corps of binary (2 Regiment) Divisions; each hex is 15km across, and each turn is 1-2 months of real time (sometimes split into tactical turns of 3-4 days) .
Scale Crete: Units are Multi-Battalion size battlegroups; each hex is 3km across, and each turn is 8-12 hours.

DESIGNER: Carl Paradis
DEVELOPER: Alan Emrich
COUNTER ART: Mark Simonitch & Charles Kibler
MAP ART: Charles Kibler

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-N Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_15 Minutes Playtime Minimum_15 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 58.95 3478913345 2228