booyakajuice 2023-12-27T14:53:38-05:00 booyakajuice 2023-12-27T14:53:38-05:00 2023-12-27T14:53:38-05:00 The Enemy is at the Gates: The Battle for Berlin – Modern War: Volume Two Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 169.95

Designer Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 120-3000 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

The East Germans were well prepared to attack and conquer West Berlin. Every step of the process was thoroughly planned. The Battle was to take no more than three days. From the crack Friedrich Engels Guard Regiment to the 1st Motorized Rifle Division – as well as paramilitary forces of the Socialist Unity Party, East Germany was ready. The Soviets had their own elite force of the 6th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade in East Berlin, ready to join the fight. And, if anything went astray in the plans, the massive 35th Motorized Rifle Division was 10 miles away to the west and available to intervene if needed. The Warsaw Pact forces massively outnumbered the isolated NATO forces.

But NATO was not ill prepared for what might come. The well-equipped and famous “Berlin Brigade” of the US Army, The Berlin Infantry Brigade of the UK, and The Forces Françaises à Berlin from the French Army. Three strong brigades fully armed with tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and artillery. In addition, the numerous, if less well equipped, West German Police forces were to stand with their NATO Allies. It would perhaps be a stiffer fight than the East German planners were envisioning. The Stage was set.

The Enemy is at the Gates is the second installment of the Modern War series using the well-regarded Company Scale System. Players will fight this might-have-been battle using mostly companies at 500 meters a hex scale. Each turn is 2 hours, and the game uses a “chit-pull” system that makes for both unpredictable face-to-face play as well as an excellent solitaire experience. The maps are painstakingly and meticulously drawn by Antonio Pinar providing perhaps the best major urban map ever made. Greg Sarnecki is also on board to provide the most exacting order of battle also ever made for this campaign. This is the ultimate game of modern urban warfare on a massive scale. As befits a game on modern war, air power, helicopters, electronic warfare, chemical weapons, and sabotage will be included as well. Using all your weapons effectively will determine who wins the battle for Berlin!

–Description from the publisher

Age_14+ Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Feb 17 2024 Arrival-New-Feb-12-18-2024 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-E INV-G INV-M-Z INV-T Max Playtime_3600 Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Default Title 169.95 1161 7779 2023-01-25T04:41:27-05:00 2023-01-25T04:41:27-05:00 Test of Faith: The Arab-Israeli War of 1973 Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 142.95

Designer Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 120-700 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

On October 6, 1973, the Arab forces of Syria and Egypt attacked Israel. The attack took place on the most holy of days for Jews in an attempt to catch the Israelis as unprepared as possible. At first, it was a massive success. Syrian forces marched through the weak and scattered forces in the Golan Heights while Egyptian forces easily crossed the great Suez Canal and set up a strong defensive line along the east bank of the Canal and, under their strong umbrella of Surface-to-Air missile support, awaited the inevitable Israeli counterattack. And counterattack the Israelis did – only to be shocked at the effectiveness of new Soviet weapons and surprising Arab resolve.

The battle would take unexpected turns as the Israelis finally found answers to the new technology of the Arab army and fought off the challenge – even attacking into Syria and Egypt in the final stages of the battle.

But both sides could claim victory in this war. The Israelis were still king of the battlefield, but their throne was more uneasy than ever before. The Arabs proved they could defeat the Israelis in open battle and now were a force to be recognized and respected. The war had changed everything in the region.

A Test of Faith is a new game in the Operational Scale Series using the new added rules from the Doomsday Project to show this war in a way that has not been seen before. Highly playable but with an emphasis on command and equipment, OSS uses an impulse system to create a test and challenging game to play, but also with new research, plenty of historical narrative.

Complexity: 7 out of 10
Solitaire Suitability: 8 out of 10
Time Scale: 1 day per turn
Unit Scale: Battalions/Regiments
Scenarios: 7

Three Maps at 22” by 34” – one for the fight in the Golan Heights and two for the fight in the Sinai
Five 5/8ths inch Countersheets
Six Player Aids and Charts
One Rulebook
Two Six-sided dice and two ten-sided dice
One Box and lid

Designer: Adam Starkweather
Graphic Designer: Nadir Elfarra

—description from designer

Age_9+ Arrival-Aug 3 2023 Arrival-Jan 27 2023 Arrival-New-Jan-23-29-2023 Arrival-New-Jul-31-Aug-6-2023 Availability_In Stock BGG-Set INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Year Published_2020s Default Title 142.95 41189997314099 5403 2022-12-27T10:50:05-05:00 2022-12-27T10:50:05-05:00 The Doomsday Project: Episode 2 – The Battle for the Balkans Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 119.95

Designer Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 60-600 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

The Doomsday Project is a subseries of the Operational Scale System featuring wars that never happened. There will be games on the Persian Gulf, the Balkans, the far north, the Far East, the strategic naval war, and of course, a game of total nuclear war. Episode Two, The Battle for the Balkans game, as you will see in all additional games in The Doomsday Project, will add another facet to the mechanics of the system. Sophisticated political rules will make their appearance. Players will have to contend with heads of state and their positives and negatives in play. Rules to retrofit these rules into the Germany game will be provided as well.

Product information

Complexity: 7 out of 10
Solitaire Suitability: 8 out of 10
Time Scale: 1 day per turn
Unit Scale: Divisional/Brigade/Regiment
Players: 1-2
Scenarios: 5 (+1 massive campaign game with The Battle for Germany)

—description from the designer ]]>
Age_12+ Arrival-Apr 28 2024 Arrival-Aug 13 2023 Arrival-Jan 14 2024 Arrival-Jul 1 2023 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Arrival-Jun 18 2023 Arrival-May 21 2023 Arrival-New-May-15-21-2023 Availability_In Stock BF-2023 BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale INV-D INV-M-Z INV-T Non-TCG Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230528 Restock-20230618 Restock-20230709 Sale Type_Regular Year Published_2020s Default Title 119.95 CPA1179 4345 2021-03-29T05:16:11-04:00 2021-03-29T05:16:11-04:00 The Doomsday Project: Episode One – The Battle for Germany Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 119.95

Designer Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-2
Playing Time 120-600 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up

The Doomsday Project is a sub-series using the Operational Scale System (or OSS) and the game on the Battle for Germany in 1985 will be the first game of the Doomsday Project and the third game in the OSS family. It will cover that great battle that never happened between the Warsaw Pact and NATO in the main ground battle of that war that never was. Other games in the sub-series will include games on the battle for Norway, the Balkans, the Middle-East and the well as non-system games cover the global naval war and strategic nuclear war. All of which will mate together as a titanic game on World War Three.

The first game in the series will be on Germany and will feature three maps and 5 countersheets.

Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale INV-D INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220327 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Sale Type_Regular Year Published_2020s Default Title 119.95 1123 4534 2020-12-27T00:10:19-05:00 2020-12-27T00:10:19-05:00 Montélimar: Anvil of Fate Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 159.95

Designer Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 120-3000 mins

Montélimar: Anvil of Fate, On August 15, 1944, the Allies invaded the South of France in Operation Dragoon. Major General Truscott's U.S. VI Corps landed along a 45 mile stretch of French Coast with the objective of isolating the major German forces defending the western part of France and linking up with the Normandy forces breaking out of their beachhead. The southern beachhead would be secured in only 2 days and the Americans were well established inland. With scattered and only occasionally strong resistance, the Americans and now landed French advanced north up the Rhone valley along highway N-7 — heading quickly toward the key rail and road junction at Aix-en-Provence. This was captured on August 19th. At this point, General Truscott activated a provisional force called Task Force Butler. This roughly regimentally sized unit raced ahead of the main force with the objective of capturing the main route of escape for the German Army. The Task Force set up a defensive position in the high ground to the north of Montélimar. They were to hold until relieved. The Germans would throw everything they could at Task Force Butler in a race to return to Germany before the larger Allied Formations coming up from the south and east would join Task Force Butler.

In the end, both sides could claim victory — the Allies mauled the enemy forces with the Germans suffering 2100 casualties with several thousand soldiers and large amounts of heavy equipment unable to escape. The Allies suffered only 1200 casualties but much of the German Army did get away and a great opportunity was lost.

Montélimar: Anvil of Fate is the third game in the Company Scale System and the first game in the Liberation series covering battles in Western Europe in 1944 and 1945. This game, while sharing a similar system to both Saipan: The Bloody Rock and Guam: Return to Glory , will offer a completely different feel to how it plays.

Game Scale:
Game Turn: 2 hours (daytime)/ 4-6 hours (nighttime)
Hex: 500 meters / 547 yards (3/10 of a mile)
Units: Company

Game Inventory:
Five 22 x 34" full color mapsheets
Six dual-side printed countersheet (1,056 5/8" counters)
One 40-page Montélimar rulebook
One 56-page Montélimar scenario book
One Sequence of Play chart
One Time/Date/Weather/VP chart
Two CRT/TEC charts
Four Divisional Display charts
Two 10-sided die

Solitaire Playability: High
Complexity Level: Medium-High
Players: 2 or more
Playing Time: 4-50 hours

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M INV-M-Z Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 159.95 8490372661299 6046 2020-04-18T16:22:46-04:00 2020-04-18T16:22:46-04:00 The Fulda Gap: The Battle for the Center Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 169.95

Designer Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4
Playing Time 120-3000 mins

Stopping the possibility of a Soviet advance against NATO required some of the highest skilled troops to defend far forward in West Germany to prevent the vital industry and population from falling into Soviet hands. This was the task of the 11th Cavalry Regiment - the famed Black Horse Regiment - in the area well known as the Fulda Gap. The Fulda Gap was a break in the defensively favorable terrain that channelled advance directly towards the main American bases in West Germany. It was vital that this be held as long as possible.

This is the first game in the Central Front series of games. It will feature nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, helicopter support, air support, electronic warfare, and many other aspects of modern warfare. Future games in the series will include the Hof Gap defense, the German Northern Plains defense and the last stand at Berlin.


Complexity: 8 (out of 10)
Solitaire Suitability : 8 (out of 10)
Time Scale: 2 hours per game turn
Map Scale: 500 meters per hex
Unit Scale: Company/platoon
Players: 1-4
Playing time: 2-50 hours
Designer: Adam Starkweather
Artist: Antonio Pinar


5 scenarios included


4 22x34 maps
9 countersheets
1 rules booklet
1 scenario booklet
10 player aids
2 D10 and 2 D6 dice
Box and lid

Arrival-Aug 26 2023 Arrival-Jul 29 2023 Availability_Out of Stock BD-2023 BD-2023-30 BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-F INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20220605 Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240101 Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2020s Default Title 169.95 CPA1118 6424 2019-10-16T12:46:22-04:00 2019-10-16T12:46:22-04:00 The Little Land: The Battle for Novorossiysk Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 149.95

Designer Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 60-2100
Suggested Age 16 and up

February 4-9, 1943

Stalin had been unhappy with the progress of North Caucasus Front on Krasnodor and impatient to see more success, he ordered General Ivan Petrov, commander of the Black Sea Group of Forces, to break the stalemate by a surprise invasion from the Black Sea. This would unhinge the German defense and quicken the offensive.

Almost immediately, things went wrong - with a bombardment from the Black Sea Fleet that merely alerted the defense - and the invasion itself was running far behind schedule. So began the battle of Novorossiysk.

CSS: Novorossiysk is the first game in the Nemesis series covering company level battles on the Eastern Front. With added special rules to cover the unique type of warfare on the Eastern Front, players will battle over the fate of the Kuban with tanks, amphibious invasions, paratroopers, naval ships and artillery.


Complexity: 7 (out of 10)
Solitaire Suitability : 8 (out of 10)
Time Scale: 2 hours per game turn
Map Scale: 500 meters per hex
Unit Scale: Company/platoon
Players: 1-2
Playing time: 2-35 hours
Designer: Adam Starkweather
Artist: Antonio Pinar


6 scenarios included


2 22x34 maps
6 countersheets
1 rules booklet
1 scenario booklet
9 player aids
2 D10 dice
Box and lid

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-L INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 149.95 30775602511923 5668 2019-03-12T20:14:01-04:00 2019-03-12T20:14:01-04:00 Vietnam: Rumor of War Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 98.95

Designer Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 150-1200 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

The second game on the Operational Scale Series. This game covers the American involvement in the Vietnamese War of 1965-1972.

In 1965, the United States decided to intervene in the ongoing conflict in Vietnam. This moment shaped the United States more than any other in the 20th Century. From the battlefield to the home front, the United States faced one of the greatest challenges in its history. Using the Operational Scale System as seen in Korea: Fire and Ice, OSS: Vietnam will show the conflict in a playable yet historical manner.

Players will negotiate the minefield of Publix opinion while attempting to win on the battlefield. The game covers the American involvement in the war (from 1965-1972) and offers players the options to expand the war in ways that few games on this conflict allow. The Americans can invade North Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia at their own political risk - as can the Communist player.

-description from designer

Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BF-2021 BF-2021-2 BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-V Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120+ Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 98.95 16448840204339 3740 2018-11-23T21:46:28-05:00 2018-11-23T21:46:28-05:00 Tinian: The Forgotten Battle Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 114.95

Designer Ross Mortell
Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-2
Playtime 120-900 mins
Suggested Age 14 and up

Most people have never heard of the Battle of Tinian. Overshadowed by the Battle of Saipan to the north and the Invasion of Guam to the south, Tinian seems like a small side show that had no real impact on the war. Some people may hear the name and remember that the B-29s, the ones that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan, flew from there but for the rest it has become a minor part of military history - a forgotten battle.

And yet Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, said of the invasion of Tinian:
"In my opinion, the Tinian operation was probably the most brilliantly conceived and executed amphibious operation in World War II."

Tinian: The Forgotten Battle will be Volume 3 in the Marianas Campaign and is a perfect introduction to Adam Starkweather's Company Scale System (CSS). Played on a single map it will include 3 scenarios and 3 campaign games.

‘Jig-Day’ A short, single day scenario covering the initial American Landings

‘Lasso’ A 2 day scenario covering the Americans securing of the north end of the
island down as far as Mount Lasso.

‘Final Round-up’ A 3 day Scenario covering the last 3 days of the battle and the final
subjugation of the island.

Historical Campaign The full 9 days from the American Landings in the North until the final Japanese surrender

Hypothetical Campaign. The Americans, originally, feinted at the southern beaches near Tinian Town before landing in the north. This campaign game lets you see what would have happened if it wasn't a feint and the Americans landed exactly where the Japanese were expecting them to.

Free-set up Campaign your chance to defend or assault a Pacific island – total control over defences or landing schedules

Includes rules for:
Caves, Beach Landings, Naval Support, Air Support, Sealing Caves, Mines, Japanese Tenacity, Inter-service Rivalry, Banzai Charges, Japanese Naval guns, Flamethrowers, Napalm, Under water demolition Teams,
Aerial Reconnaissance, Tropical Storms, Japanese Knee Mortars AND drunken Japanese Admirals.
There are also rules for additional Japanese troops that could have been on the island if you wish to make it tougher on the Americans.

—description from the publisher

Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_2 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 114.95 15569163714611 4345 2018-02-13T22:45:54-05:00 2018-02-13T22:45:54-05:00 Guam: Return to Glory Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 154.95

Designer Ross Mortell
Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4

On the 8th December 1941 American soil was invaded for the first time in the war, the small American and Guananian garrison was overrun and 2 days later the Govenor surrendered the Island to the Japanese. On 21st July 1944 the Americans would return to retake the island and drive the Japanese invaders off; a day that is still celebrated as 'Liberation Day'.

There were many reasons why the Americans decided to invade Guam not least of which was the fact that the station of the trans-Pacific cable and the naval radio station at Agana made it a focal point of the communication network in the Pacific. It also had the best anchorage in the Marianas, 2 airstrips and, of course, it was an American Protectorate.

The only beaches suitable for an invasion are located on the south-western side of the island. The Japanese knew this as well and had prepared accordingly. Another thing unique to the planning was that the 2 landing beaches chosen would be 7 miles apart. It was unprecedented for two landing forces to land with such a wide separation.

Guam – Return to Glory will be the second game to utilize the Company Scale System (CSS) by Adam Starkweather and will come on 4 maps.

The game will come with 6 scenarios and 1 campaign game:

W-Day – Fortune favors the bold – This is the first day of the Invasion on the northern beaches. 3rd Marine Division must land against Japanese defenders dug-in on a ridge overlooking the beaches. Single map and 8 turns long.

W-Day – Send in the Fire Brigade – This is the first day of the Invasion on the southern beaches. The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade must land and fight their way north towards Orote Peninsular to join up the to beachheads. Single map and 8 turns long.

W-DAY - This is the first day of the Invasion on the both beaches. The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade must land and fight their way north, whilst the 3rd Marines fight their way south and the two forces try to join up the two beachheads near Orote Peninsular. Two maps and 8 turns long.

Orote Peninsular – The first 8 days of the fighting saw the Americans expand their beachheads and join up so as to cut off the Orote peninsular with it's important airfield. Once it was cut off, the Americans, then, had to force their way into the heaviest defended area on Guam not knowing that the Japanese were preparing a Sake fueled Banzai charge. Two maps and 72 turns long.

Into the Jungle - This scenario covers 3rd Marine Division's drive north of the beachheads to take the town of Agana and the airfield at Tiyan. One map and 27 turns long.

Santa Rosa - This scenario covers 77th Infantry Division's attack to isolate the area around Mount Santa Rosa . One map and 27 turns long.

The Battle for Guam – The full historical campaign from 21st July- 10th August (188 Turns). This game covers the full fight for Guam in 1944, from the first invasion at Asan, in the north, and Agat, in the south through the vicious fighting in the thick vegetation at the south end of the island and the final Japanese stand in the north.

Complexity: 6

Solitaire Suitability:8

Time Scale: 1 turn = 2 hours

Map Scale: 1 hex = 500 meters

Unit Scale: Companies and below

Players: Best with 2 players but can be played with up to 4 players as well as solitaire

Playing Time: 2-35 hours

Series Designer: Adam Starkweather

Game Designer: Ross Mortell

Developer: Adam Starkweather

Artist: Antonio Pinar Peña


4 maps

6 countersheets

1 series Rulesbook

1 game specific rulesbook

7 player aids, charts, tables cards

2 ten-sided dice

1 Box and Lid set

Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Google-True INV-0-L INV-G Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 154.95 6815036244019 5857 2017-06-30T01:06:18-04:00 2017-06-30T01:06:18-04:00 Saipan: The Bloody Rock Board Games Compass Games

Vendor: Compass Games
Type: Board Games
Price: 132.95

Designer Ross Mortell
Adam Starkweather
Publisher Compass Games
Players 1-4
Playtime 120-2100 mins
Suggested Age 13 and up

Description from the publisher:

The decision to invade The Marianas (of which Saipan is a part) was not an easy one. General MacArthur still favored the more westerly route through the Philippines and had support amongst the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It took several conferences and nearly a year before the decision was made. There were several reasons that the Americans finally decided to invade the Marianas: Firstly, it was the most direct route to Japan, Secondly, they could base B29 bombers there which could bomb Tokyo, Thirdly, Saipan would be the first piece of prewar Japanese soil taken during the war. Lastly, the American planners hoped that they could draw the Japanese fleet into a decisive engagement. With all these reasons, a battle for the Marianas was inevitable.

On 15th June 1944 71,000 American Marines and Infantry attempted to make the plan work. 32,000 dug-in Japanese attempted to stop them.

Saipan – The Bloody Rock will be the first game to utilize the new Company Scale System (CSS) by Adam Starkweather and will come on 2 maps. This will be your chance to experience a full-on naval invasion as Amtracs and DUKWs head towards the emplaced forces of Imperial Japan.

The game will come with 4 scenarios and 2 campaign games:

Dog-Day – The first day of the Invasion. It is 8 turns long and fought on a single map. An excellent introduction to both the system and the game.

First Week in Hell – The first week of the invasion and the capture of Aslito airfield. This scenario is 56 turns long and is played on a single map. For the space but not time challenged players among you.

Death Valley – This scenario covers a single day of the fighting and concentrates on the American attempt to capture Mount Tapotchau and the area that became know as Death Valley. 8 turns long and a single map. An excellent large battle you can play over one sitting.

Shattered Jewels - This scenario covers a single day of fighting and revolves around the largest Banzai attack of the war. Thousands of Japanese attack the 105th Regiment near the town of Tanapag. Variable length but usually 4-5 turns.

The Battle for Saipan – The full historical campaign from 15th June- 9th July (224 Turns). This game covers the full fight for Saipan in 1944, from the first invasion at Charan Kanoa in the south, through the long bloody fight in the central mountains around Mount Tapotchao and finally to the last Japanese stand in the north.

Bloody Rock – This is a hypothetical campaign game that lets the players decide how to defend Saipan and how to invade it. The American player receives the same historical forces but now has the opportunity to devise his own landing schedule over one of 25 beaches. The Japanese player gets to prepare his own defenses; set up pillboxes, lay mines and deploy 6” naval guns etc. Can you do better than history?

Complexity: 6

Solitaire Suitability:8

Time Scale: 1 turn = 2 hours

Map Scale: 1 hex = 500 meters

Unit Scale: Companies and below

Players: Best with 2 players but can be played with up to 4 players as well as solitaire

Age_12+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set Category_Wargames Discount_On Sale Google-True INV-M-Z INV-S Players Maximum_4 Players Players Minimum_1 Player Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_120 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Sale Type_Regular Stocky-Clearance Year Published_2010s Default Title 132.95 40029319245 5025 2016-01-09T17:36:00-05:00 2016-01-09T17:36:00-05:00 The Greatest Day: Sword, Juno, and Gold Beaches Board Games Multi-Man Publishing

Vendor: Multi-Man Publishing
Type: Board Games
Price: 309.95

Publisher Multi-Man Publishing
Players 2-8
Playtime 60-6000 mins
Suggested Age 12 and up
Honors 2015 Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee

"The Greatest Day: Sword, Juno, and Gold" is the first volume in a three volume series covering the battle of Normandy in June of 1944. It not only introduces a new theater but also provides version 2.0 updates for the GTS rules. Assaults have been streamlined, the artillery rules have been improved, and various other changes have been made to make this version of GTS an even better gaming experience.

Age_9+ Availability_Out of Stock BGG-Set BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 300 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 400 BoardGameGeek Rank_Top 500 Category_Wargames Google-True INV-G INV-M-Z INV-T Players Maximum_7 Players+ Players Minimum_2 Players Playtime Maximum_120+ Minutes Playtime Minimum_60 Minutes Product Type_Board Games Product-International Restock-20230112_Full_Restock Restock-20240526-Long Year Published_2010s Default Title 309.95 11173881857 11716