1846: The Race for the Midwest (Second Printing)

GMT Games SKU: 1605-21

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Phil Campeau
An all-time favorite for me.

1846 is an interesting beast. It’s an 18xx designed by a man far better known for his euro game designs such as Race For The Galaxy, Favor Of The Pharaoh, and the expansions for Pandemic. His euro design pedigree is on display in this game; everything is streamlined, and many edges are smoothed over. The opening auction is replaced with a draft. Corporations can lay two tiles per operating round. The stock market is incredibly gentle. One would expect a game this streamlined to lack any real punch, maybe good as a learning game, but nothing that veteran players would enjoy. Yet somehow, 1846 manages to pack an incredible level of depth and strategy in its 3-5 hour play time, while still remaining completely accessible to new players.

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